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Now It’s Xitler Paying Afghans to Kill Burgers

The GOD DANG CHEETO ORANGE MUSSOLINI will soon be out of the White House.

As such, it’s now the Chinese taking over from the Russians paying Afghans to kill American soldiers in Afghanistan. It’s not something freedom loving Afghans would even think of doing if they weren’t getting rubles, yuan, or preferably both for it.

Anatoly Karlin is a transhumanist interested in psychometrics, life extension, UBI, crypto/network states, X risks, and ushering in the Biosingularity.


Inventor of Idiot’s Limbo, the Katechon Hypothesis, and Elite Human Capital.


Apart from writing booksreviewstravel writing, and sundry blogging, I Tweet at @powerfultakes and run a Substack newsletter.


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  2. Supply and Demand says

    I met some “reformed” Taliban fighters on a hiking trip in Ngari prefecture. They had career transitioned to becoming Mountain Guides for Chinese tourists looking to do backpacking trips in the region (this was prior to open hostilities with India, circa 2017).

    We bonded through an intermediary over our hatred of America. When I told them that I decided to emigrate after gay marriage was writ into law, I sensed from them a warm and sincere sense of brotherhood in hatred against the great Satan.

    Once the Porn Muff Eater Cheeto leaves, maybe the GOP can become the party of Christian Reaction like its radical base wants it to be. This brief takeover by libertine gay jew allies like Trump will hopefully be looked back on in American histories (written by the Chinese) with much regret. Oh, what could have been done — and at what a time in history.

    All wasted by Trump. Good riddance.

    As far as the Taliban is concerned, they would and do kill American troops for free, and I applaud them for doing so. Whether they are paid in yuan or rubles or virgins in the afterlife, they are heroic resistors against globohomo. A non-story IMO.

  3. Bashibuzuk says

    Whether they are paid in yuan or rubles or virgins in the afterlife, they are heroic resistors against globohomo.

    A simple solution to a complex problem…

  4. Bashibuzuk says

    The initial Taliban are the creation of the Pakistani ISI under the Anglosphere patronage. They are the ideological offspring of the Islamist Pashto faction of the Afghan mujahedeen. These mujahedeen have been armed and funded by the Americans and other anti-Soviet powers (including the communist Chinese).

    Therefore, the West, which applauded, aided and abated the Afghan Jihad, has only itself to blame with the Taliban taking over Afghanistan in the 90ies and killing NATO and allied troops in the 00ies.

    Moreover, today Americans and Indians are working together to build up the Baloch ethnic militancy to target Chinese interests in Pakistan. Americans and Israelis use Baloch militants to attack Iranian government in Iranian Balochistan.

    Finally, we all know that Uighur Islamist and nationalist militants are also supported by the West.

    As the Lion of Pansjshir has said a few years before his untimely death: “Russians are the only ones who truly built anything around here “.

    Usually what goes around, comes around.

    I wish Ahmad Massoud all the best in this crucial period. He is the son of a hero, well brought, well traveled and well educated. May he succeed in bringing peace and prosperity to his beleaguered people.

  5. Europe Europa says

    I’ve noticed a large shift from Muslims to Chinese as the perceived source of all evil in the world according to right wing neocon types. It’s reaching the point where I more frequently see the words “Chinese” or “CCP” in hysterical neocon style comments where previously it would have been “Islam/Muslims”.

  6. Erik Sieven says

    I have notiecd the same. It is fascinating how fast a lot of people jump on that train

  7. Kent Nationalist says

    If only we could somehow stop the CCP from removing (some) homosexuality and blacks from Hollywood rubbish

  8. It is a decision by a small cabal of Trump-tards to paint China as the problem, and try to start a new Cold War, in order to stay in power. Then they use their connections and the power of the state to change public opinion, and many right wingers around the world (UK, Australia, Brazil) stupidly followed them.

    The worst is that they corrupted the ordinary MAGA folks from chanting “Build that wall” to “Evil China!”

    They tried really hard against China, Russia and Iran (yes, Trump did far more against Russia than Obama).

    Trump-tards never understood that their problem was internal (liberalism taking over the country and wiping them out) and not external (as China, Russia and Iran are socially conservative countries).

    China is not a “commi country”, it is actually a socially conservative country with relatively big income inequality and chinese, just like russians, initially supported Trump coming to power.

    But Trump-tards blew that potential alliance, as they simply can not handle not being the one with the “biggest dick”, the US not being “number 1”, and started going crazy over the world becoming a multipolar place, instead of being an American Empire.

    Basically, they are dumb and aggressive animals. And now they are paying the price for that, as they are being taken over internally. I say that as someone who was very happy to see Trump winning, but after that i changed my opinion very fast, after i saw the betrayal of those who helped him to come to power, both the betrayal of internal and the external actors, such as Russia and Assange.

    A new Cold War is what they meant by MAGA. It was an attempt to make America Great Again by destroying America’s competitors, instead of fixing fixing the US internal problems, so dear to the MAGA crowd. They tried to prop up the Empire that will eat them later.

    Korybko has a good article on it:

    Trump Is Hellbent on Provoking a New Cold War

    Trump’s famous promise to “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) should have come with the caveat that he planned to do so by provoking a New Cold War with China and Russia. He led his supporters into thinking that he meant to focus more on internal issues than international ones, which some in hindsight wrongly portrayed as quasi-isolationalism. Lo and behold, however, MAGA has arguably turned into the most aggressive US foreign policy in decades, which makes it extremely dangerous for global stability.

    Truth be told, Trump did imply something of the sort while on the campaign trail, but few realized how far he intended to go. He’s known for ranting about China’s trade policies so many foresaw the trade war that followed his election, but the scale and scope of his anti-Chinese policies likely surprised even the most rabid anti-communist elements of his base. Trump didn’t just try to broker a new trade deal, but took aim at China’s Belt & Road Initiative (BRI), some of its tech companies like Huawei and TikTok, and its territorial integrity.

    Since the beginning of this year, he’s also ridiculously claimed that China is responsible for COVID-19. Secretary of State Pompeo rattled the US Hybrid War saber earlier this summer during his landmark speech at the Nixon Library, which was followed up by Trump’s dramatic address to the UN General Assembly (UNGA) last week that compared China to Nazi Germany. So serious are US-Chinese tensions as a result of this unprovoked onslaught that UN Secretary General Guterres opened the UNGA debate by warning against a “New Cold War”.

    It’s not just China that’s victimized by Trump’s MAGA strategy but Russia as well despite Trump’s opponents continuing to claim that he’s under the influence of Moscow. He once bragged about how “I have been FAR tougher on Russia than Obama, Bush or Clinton. Maybe tougher than any other President”, pointing to his intense sanctions regime against the country that he once promised on the campaign trail to partner with. NATO has also expanded its military forces and infrastructure closer to Russia’s borders during this time too.

    On top of that, the Trump Administration has been accused by Russia and Belarus of orchestrating the latest political unrest in the latter, and is also currently trying to assemble a coalition against Russia’s Nord Stream II pipeline with Germany. Russia’s Turkish Stream pipeline with Turkey and the Balkans is also being threatened as well. Not only that, but anti-Russian spy scandals are a dime a dozen nowadays in the US and its NATO allies, which serve the purpose of creating pretexts for imposing even more sanctions pressure on Moscow.

    There’s a method to this madness, however, and it’s important to point it out in order to expose the truth about how Trump’s MAGA strategy operates. The three most common denominators linking the US’ Hybrid Wars on China and Russia are geopolitics, economics, and fake news. America wants to “contain” both countries, to which end it’s increased its military presence in the South China Sea and Eastern Europe respectively, while targeting BRI, Chinese tech companies, and Russian energy ones using fake news.

    The Trump Administration believes that the combined effect of these three simultaneous Hybrid War fronts against what it regards as its two main rivals will result in “decoupling” them from their primary partners across the world, thereby leading to their “isolation”. As a means to that end, the US is provoking a New Cold War, the acknowledgement of which debunks the notion that MAGA is a “peaceful”, “inward-looking”, “isolationist” strategy. To the contrary, it’s the most aggressive and dangerous US foreign policy in decades.

    For as optimistic as Trump is about its prospects of success, the deck is stacked against him. The world wised up to his scheme over the past three years, especially after Presidents Xi and Putin condemned unilateralism, trade wars, and saber-rattling during their speeches last week at the UNGA. Their countries are also close strategic partners who are coordinating their response to the US Hybrid Wars against them. With China and Russia standing up to America, Trump’s realizing that MAGA is much easier to shout than to actualize in real life.

  9. Moon of Alabama asserts that it was CIA that paid Talibans to kill American soldiers all along…

    Tong in cheek…

  10. Trump-tards never understood that their problem was internal (liberalism taking over the country and wiping them out) and not external.

    People do what they can and not what they want.

    It has turned out to be outright impossible to fix the internal problems – the debts are too big, oligarchs too powerful, media under full control, culture run by the Hollywood freaks, migration flows too massive, etc… By the time Trump was sworn in, the peak-liberalism was fully in charge. All that was left was to “MAGA” the world with predictably self-defeating results.

    Trump presided over a complete wipe-out of conservatism in America. He also foolishly accelerated already weakening US position around the world. On the bright side, he had a lot of fun doing it. Trump is by nature a liberal, all the trans-gender uber-liberalism idiocies don’t bother him at all. He is also a cheap labor businessman, any migration fix had to take a second seat to promoting unlimited global labor for US business.

    The combination has turned out to be quite horrific: a weak superpower mostly capable of vandalism abroad with a collapsing home base overrun by ever crazier social misfits and deviants. And there is no better way to make it worse than Biden’s coming “do nothing, all is fine” presidency.

  11. But, haven’t we always been at war with Eastasia?

  12. Trumpsters are an easy target. You have to resist the temptation to blame the rubes (something I frequently fail at). It’s the conman’s fault.

  13. He tried to start a new Cold War to prop up the US Empire, that is the problem with him. In a multipolar world, there would a chance for survival for the western right, as the global liberal project would be dead. But not in Western-Centric world, as the West is rotten to the core and not salvagable.

    You kill a diseased organism, you don’t prop it up to infect everybody else too. You kill an infected zombie (The West) that no longer has anything in common with the pervious person, you don’t allow it to run rampant. This is the only way. It is the West that needs to be cut down to size, in order to stop the threat of liberal take over of the world. Nobody else has the capacity to rule the world, not Russia, and not China. It will be either a western centric Liberal World Order (LWO) or a multipolar world where there will be space for different cultures, views and systems.

    The retard Trump tried to stop multipolarity, his only salvation.

  14. “they would and do kill American troops for free…”

    Hmm, did you forget some very important people? Hint: people who dislikes “doctored images” like the following one?

  15. China is not the root of all evil

    American elites should not sell out their fellow citizens to China

    It is the rare person who can hold both thoughts in their head

  16. Seeing US vs China as a “new” of a something “old” is stupid.

    You boomertards thinks everything goes back to the Cold War. It doesn’t.

    Whatever takes place in the future between US and China will have nothing to do with whatever took place between the US and Russia.

    Russia, Russia, Russia isn’t the same thing as China, China, China.

    When was the last time you bought something Made in Russia other than vodka?

    Americans should be mad that our elites are taking in big bux from China while our industrial base goes extinct. And no that isn’t the same thing as Russia Russia Russia.

  17. Yea, as a purported “conservative” I must agree. The idea that we were ever at war with Eurasia was just a stupid “liberal” idea. /S

  18. Kent Nationalist says

    The Cold War was fake. Does anyone think that Russian tanks were really ever about to be ordered to roll into West Germany? Ridiculous.
    The conflict between the US and China will be equally fake.

  19. nigga please

  20. Reg Cæsar says

    It’s reaching the point where I more frequently see the words “Chinese” or “CCP” in hysterical neocon style comments…

    This is nothing. We had an embargo once, when the Chinese were far less of a problem.

    They are an economic and intelligence threat to America, but not a military one. Their greed for the South “China” Sea is very much a threat to their neighbors, with which we have what Washington called “entangling alliances”.

  21. I like neither as a matter of principle. One murders dogs for being unclean and the other eats dogs. Here’s one piece of advice I think holds true.

  22. The WUHAN-19 virus came from a CCP biowarfare virus laboratory. Telling the truth about about CCP Elite damage to the U.S. and world economy is a message that has punch.

    That “punch”, which is solely about “America First”, exists only in the mind of Usian navel-gazers and the festering bowels of Washington D.C.

    “The World”, which happens to not coincide with the extent of the American-Israeli Empire doesn’t worry all that much about American Problems, American Neuroses, American Efforts to find the next Emperor Palpatine, American Hitlerization and bullshit propaganda about evil influences via hacking, viruses, nanotechnology, fluorine in the water and God knows what else.

  23. Something that can transform you into radioactive steak in a single afternoon is not “fake” in the book of anyone who hasn’t had his brain fucked by trans fats or CNN.

    Protip: That “fake” cold war is not over. We are still in the situation where when anyone farts wrongly, missiles fly.

  24. Felix Keverich says

    Interesting how American media are not buying it. With Russian bounties story they had no such doubts…

  25. Personalities not withstanding, wanting to protect deer might have been the original poz. (I leave aside rare varieties.)

    Disney popularized Bambi in 1942. In my youth, visiting the countryside, there were some old widows born in those parts, who wished that deer would come unto their land and avoid hunters.

    In reality, deer is much like the poz: you have got to control it or it will quickly get out of hand, and they will simultaneously damage the woodlands and starve. They need wolves. In the absence of wolves, they need hunters. I doubt that coyotes can really do it, though they do eat the occasional deer.

  26. I wonder what would happen if Xi grew a little mustache, in imitation of Chaplin, and said it was in imitation of Chaplin, but did absolutely nothing else. Would nukes suddenly be raining down on China?

  27. Some people have been warning against China for much longer. I’ve been telling people since the late 1990s that China is the biggest threat in the world. It is an existential threat unlike Russia or Muslim terrorism, due to the vastly better human capital, resources, and size China has. I was advocating breaking up the PRC. I still think this would have been a good idea, but now it is too late. Plus, I didn’t see the convergence happening in which the US takes on negative aspects of the Chinese regime voluntarily, but that seems to be slowly happening. Better to have died in 1975 than been born in 1975 I’m afraid.

  28. Honestly, I wonder if Islamic fundamentalists will eventually murder Ahmad Massoud just like they previously did with his father Ahmad Shah Massoud two days before 9/11.

  29. Commentator Mike says

    Why pay them? Just give them more and better weapons.

  30. Bashibuzuk says

    This is unfortunately very possible. That is why I wish him all the best possible luck. He will certainly need it to cure his land from the Islamist virus inoculated into Afghanistan by the CIA some 40 + years ago.*

    *(Many people are not aware of the fact that Afghans were nowhere near as Islamic fundamentalist in the late 60ies and early 70ies as they are nowadays.)

  31. Felix Keverich says

    Russia is the only country in the world that can literally wipe US off the map in minutes. Speaking of existentialism here. China is merely a threat to US control of global commerce.

  32. showmethereal says

    Well yes they use the same template. Just as Mr. Karlin noted – this particular story is just a re-write swapping out Russia for China.

  33. The Spirit of Enoch Powell says

    *(Many people are not aware of the fact that Afghans were nowhere near as Islamic fundamentalist in the late 60ies and early 70ies as they are nowadays.)

  34. showmethereal says

    See silly maps there are the problem. Nobody actually claims the sea. They all make various claims on islands and reefs in the sea. Vietnam holds the most in the sea. China removed them from all the Paracels in the 80’s but left them alone in the Spratly’s. The argument is over Exclusive Economic Zones. EVERYONE – and not just China who has any island or reef also wants to claim an EEZ around those islands. People love to talk about the joke of an arbitration – but fail to point out everyone else except the Filipino’s rejected it for the same reason China did. The UNCLOS has nothing to do with sovereignty of sea features. It focuses on what constitutes and EEZ. Believe it or not a relative of mine (since passed away) was actually a part of the forming of the UNCLOS and the International Seabed Authority – which is based believe it or not in Kingston Jamaica. The people in Washington have no clue except “we must contain China”.
    If there was no oil and gas in the sea – nobody in Washington would give two hoots about the area. Stop pretending it has to do with “alliances” – of which there is only one with the Filipinos and that’s only because they were a colony.
    In any event territory and EEZ are not the same thing. For instance – just pretend Long Island was vacant and say Canada claimed it. Just because it sits right off the coast of the continental US would not mean it was US territory. What would have to happen is the US and Canada would have to negotiate the maritime boundary and the EEZ’s. Prior to the US sticking it’s nose in – all the claimants in the SCS dispute were doing just that.
    Australia and East Timor have similar beef over EEZ’s – but nobody in Washington cares or says a peep. Why? They only care about being top dog and China is “a threat” to that. If China was in Australia’s role in that situation all you would hear is how “evil” China is and how they are “bullying”.

  35. I agree with Felix Keverich here. Its true that some Trump factions are trying to muddy up the waters with China China China but people who actually run the show and own the media are dismissive hence ‘unconfirmed’ when it comes to China.

    It is true that China is main strategic competitor to the US and not Russia, but any strategist knows that you never attack your enemy directly and you never attack their strong points. You always focus attack on the weak spots and flow around your enemy – it is the most elementary principle of any strategy.

    And Russia is the weak spot to attack for any anti-China strategy.

    Russia must be destroyed before China can be starved into submission. With Russia standing, China is invincible as it has northern flank protected, resource base untouchable by US Navy, trade routes protected, and nuclear umbrella provided. With Russia destroyed (such as appointing another Gorbachev or Yeltsin to power), Chinese land trade routes and resource access can be easily cut off, and US Navy can simply blocade Chinese ports and starve Chinese until Opium Wars start looking like party fun times.

    It is a very simple and effective, straightforward strategy. Is it possible that US planners are so incompetent that they don’t see it? Is it possible they are so foolish that they will ‘LEEROY JENKINS!!’ straight into Chinese strong points while leaving Russian supply base alone?

    I guess anything is possible but that would be rather surprising.

  36. jimmyriddle says

    They don’t seem to have made much impact on Pashtun traditional pederasty.

  37. Vishnugupta says

    Unlike Russia’s nuclear weapons the Chinese nuclear arsenal is not verified by the US since there is no START treaty between the PRC and the US.

    I would be very surprised if they really do have an arsenal the size of France as they claim.

    Given their industrial capacity and threat perception I would be surprised if they don’t already have a US/Russia sized arsenal.

    They also are building 24 tubed SSBN (Type 096 Tang Class) which is again indicative of a very large arsenal.

  38. Trump-tards never understood that their problem was internal (liberalism taking over the country and wiping them out) and not external (as China, Russia and Iran are socially conservative countries).

    Welp, those who changed shoes in midflight, like otherwise very perceptive Scott Adams and say Brett Stevens from (not to mention semi-mainstreamers like Townhall, the Federalist, and the various Wires and Callers), they jumped at the chance to make Beijing the center that sends out ripples of evil, not least of all because it symbolically takes the place of other unmentionable secret power centers.

    In their current reality, it was China who financed the Antifa and BLM riots. Think about it. And when it turns out that people who did support Antifa and BLM, also had at least some contact with other people who did business in any way with a corporation or a media that has some Chinese money in it, this will be “definitive proof” that it was Beijing all along.

    So they’re not ignoring the internal enemy, but rather pretending that the internal enemy is financed by Beijing, blackmailed by Beijing, owned by Beijing, and reports to Beijing (mirroring completely the left’s Moscow narrative).

    But, let’s be realistic. Maybe in a sense it is all true. Just because today’s China is soft national socialism, and today’s Russia is soft Salazarism/Francoism, this doesn’t mean they wouldn’t use “useful idiots” of even the most degenerate kind, to weaken the America or Britain, should America and Britain behave in a belligerent manner. Which they do.

    After somebody has been financing Chechen or Uighur jihadist separatists inside your home, and stirring up “pro-democracy rioters” like the ones that smashed and torched Hong Kong, wouldn’t you return the favor the moment you had the means?

    And if the US has been trying to meddle in your internal affairs, including elections, education, the economy, etc., and the internal affairs of your neighbors, wouldn’t you also return the favor the moment you could?

    If, like Russia or China, you’re surrounded by military bases of your antagonist from all sides, wouldn’t you be itching to at least hack their power grids back home?

    In this sense, just because the Left is acting like retards about Moscow and the Right–about Beijing, doesn’t mean that below the hysteria there’s nothing. There may very well be something. Only it’s a “reactionary” something. It’s all symmetric or asymmetric pushback against ongoing aggression.

    There was a time when both Russia and China pulled back from “trying to export communism” and instead “opened up to the West”. This was the window of opportunity that was lost. Instead a chaotic mix of hostile takeover attempts, economic imperialism, and breaking up of those countries through ethnic conflicts was initiated by a bunch of corporate and institutional western players.

    Perhaps the lesson here is to close down Washington DC, move the capital like Constantine or Peter the Great, leaving the old swamp to digest itself, and start over, this time controlling the country’s institutions and corporations, as opposed to letting them set independent and frequently contradictive foreign policy, which then everybody in the world has to pay for.

  39. China conversation is really heating up . Afghanistan is one such factor which can go either way depending on the power fo the Saudi influence on Pakistan and Afghanistan. Saudi is not fully overtly committed against China but they are organically now tied to India Israel USA nexus which wants Pakistan to be punished and China to be corralled and Afghanistan to move away from Kashmir agenda in future .USA is happy to see the pieces of the puzzle taking the most desirable shape. Bt it is not the best of the solution . Saudi will try to leverage Pakistan and Afghanistan . Will Taliban swallow this poison pill and ditch China and thus expose Pakistan and Kashmir to Indian winter ? Taliban has matured and has learnt the ropes of the global intrigues but unlikely to have forgot the treatment of Afghanistan by the NATO.

    On Myanmar side, Kachin in the north is acting like Christian ISIS carrying the water for USA against China.China is building wall on this side to stop Kachin infiltrations from and planned sabotage of China from south. This means Myanmar will side with China and India will go against Myanmar . There is a possibility that India suddenly will join west on the issue of supporting Rohingya .

    Meanwhile Nepal is suddenly awash with people on the street from one political party demanding restoration of monarchy and declaring Nepal a Hindu state . Chinese official is visiting Nepal at a moment when criss engineered by Indian 5th columns are trying to rock the boat and bring the country to a stand still.

    Iran is an unique situation but for Israel could never be allowed to be a senior partner on USA’s agenda . Iran has no option but to work with China and mobilize Taliban and Pakistan . Pakistan lately has been served a lesson by Saudi .Pakistani military has come to the conclusion that Saudi is nothing but a snake like the Evangelical Zionist is .

    Meanwhile Russia has cancelled a meeting with India after repeated denunciation of Indian tilt to Quad . India has hit back against Russian attitude .

    It’s a story that will continue to grow in importance and relevance .Biden cant ignore it . The losing side is still USA .USA is trying to keep it simmering hoping a resolution in its favor will emerge . That short of reactive posture leaves the controlling levers to other .

  40. Supply and Demand says

    A good way to stop Pashtun pederasty is for the US Army to stop promoting it as a way to leverage the loyalty of the ANA commanders.

    Not much of an issue here in the side not patrolled by ZOG, Jimmy. I hope you enjoy the mandatory drag queen story hours that will happen in whatever Jew annexed country you’re living in. Judging by your saltiness, I would expect you to be an American — to which I would say — Viva Joe!

  41. Maybe the way upper class women used to dress in Medieval Europe is a good balance?

  42. Bashibuzuk says

    Higher Afghan elites of the time were divided among pro-Western and the pro-Soviet ones. The pro-Western were more conservative, the pro-Soviet more progressive. But none of these elite factions were as Islamist as the Taliban are. Both factions wanted some social development for their country, they knew that it was terribly backward even compared to 1970ies India/Pakistan, China and of course Soviet Central Asia. I think that it is the example of Soviet Central Asia that finally pushed the Afghani progressives to make a coup and monopolize power. They wanted their country to proceed with land reform and industrialize. They correctly assumed that it wouldn’t happen as long as Islamic jurisprudence is used to define social norms.

  43. Bashibuzuk says

    They did not stay at the helm long enough in the 1990ies. They will eventually fix it when they come back to power, which is soon. Profoundly changing cultural mores is a challenging task.

  44. Bashibuzuk says

    Russia must be destroyed before China can be starved into submission.

    Destroying Russia would allow China to economically annex southern Siberia, Russian Fra East and possibly also the whole of Central Asia. This would make China much stronger. The globalized West is well aware of this. They want to bring Russia back under the Atlanticist “Washington Consensus “. Early Putin’s Russia was ready to join NATO, it only became flirty with the Chinese when it became disillusioned with the West. And yet even after the Georgian War, under Medvedev, Russia once again offered a global “Security Architecture ” (or whatever they called it) spanning from Dublin to Vladivostok.

    Russians dream of being accepted as equals in Europe. That was a fixation for their elites since Peter the Great. To become European and even more so than Europeans themselves. This was one of the reasons of the Raskol, the reforms under the Romanovs, 1917 revolution and also the Perestroika. It is an ongoing process of a lenghty “Europeanisation” of the Russian populace. Russian elites buy villas and manors in Tuscany and Côte d’Azur, not Heinan or Heilongjiang. They want to жить как белые люди.

    China is Russia’s second choice, for lack of true love from the белые люди.

    I am sure that Chinese make no illusions about it. They know that if they were offered a clear choice, Russians would side with Whitey.

  45. The Spirit of Enoch Powell says

    I wonder what would happen if Xi grew a little mustache, in imitation of Chaplin, and said it was in imitation of Chaplin, but did absolutely nothing else. Would nukes suddenly be raining down on China?

  46. Chinese economy to overtake US ‘by 2028’ due to Covid

    China will overtake the US to become the world’s largest economy in market exchange rate by 2028, five years earlier than previously forecast, a report says.

    The UK-based Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) said China’s “skilful” management of Covid-19 would boost its relative growth compared to the US and Europe in coming years.

    Although China was the first country hit by Covid-19, it controlled the disease through swift and extremely strict action, meaning it did not need to repeat economically paralysing lockdowns as European countries have done.

    As a result, unlike other major economies, it has avoided an economic recession in 2020 and is in fact estimated to see growth of 2% this year.

    Meanwhile India is tipped to become the third largest economy after China and the US by 2030.

    Russia, Indonesia and Brazil are also to gain ground and the West to decline.

  47. Destroying Russia would allow China to economically annex southern Siberia, Russian Fra East and possibly also the whole of Central Asia. This would make China much stronger.

    Not if US Navy builds a military base in Vladivostok, concession allowed by President Navalny or whatever.

  48. Commentator Mike says

    I think Russia, Europe and US should all be in the same camp as after all it should be white people’s lands from Vladivostok to the Rio Grande, preferably with a huge wall and mine fields at a heavily guarded southern border of this intercontinental entity. However, the turn that the West has taken has forced Russia to look for allies elsewhere and the idea of Euro-Asianism makes sense in the context of how things have developed. As I don’t see the West changing for the better but in fact getting worse in terms of globo-homo multi-culti and immigration, any alliance with the West would be pernicious for Russia’s future. So a strong alliance with China makes sense and Euro-Asianism is the future for Russia. If they could draw Eastern Europe into this orbit or allow it to continue its degradation by Western influence remains to be seen but it’s no great loss if Eastern Europeans choose to follow the Western road to hell. It is the West that is pushing Russia towards Euro-Asianism and perhaps this is good as East Asia would be less of a threat to Russia’s culture and sovereignty than the Atlanticist block.

  49. Bashibuzuk says

    Not if US Navy builds a military base in Vladivostok

    Ain’t gonna happen, cause a house divided won’t stand as supposedly said by a famous young Hellenistic Rabbi some 2000 years ago. The post 2020 US of A is a fractured and weakened country.

    Besides, the plan would be not to favor the Americans or the Chinese, but to build a globalized world through a Great Reset. Shining (ecocommunist totalitarian) Tomorrows ahead tovarisch!

    Time to (re-)read our antitotalitarian classics:

    OTOH it might be the better of all the possible worse outcomes and we might need this unifying guiding hand to get our sh☆t together as a species and finally get into Space.

  50. Bardon Kaldian says

    Afghanistan is one of the best examples of what I call Islamic idiotization on steroids. Had it stayed Buddhist, it would have been better off, I guess, in most areas. Don’t get me wrong, I have many Muslim ancestors & relatives; also -although I suppose it is a family legend – I may have an Afghan Pushtu ancestor from the 17th-18th C.

    But when you consider pros & cons – Islam is, at best, a dead end & at worst, a civilizational cancer.

  51. Supply and Demand says

    I agree with the thrust of what you’re saying here, but the Russian elites do absolutely have Dachas in Dalian. I suspect they’re used for their mercantile activities, however, and not leisure. Smolensky and Aven in particular had big investments here.

  52. The problem is that getting from there into a slippery slope of LGBTQIOAOOAIOSJOSOKPPALJOAJOANOANMOA seems to be almost impossible to stop, so maybe better to not get to the slippery slope at all? Malays in Malaysia seems to be a decent compromise.

  53. Given the US plan to put up massive numbers of spaced based kinetic bombardment platforms, China continuing to stick to a no first use, instead of a possible preemptive nuclear strike on the US depending on the strategic situation nuclear use policy makes little sense, but then that is just me.

  54. AnonFromTN says

    President Navalny

    A pathetic piece of shit like Navalny can become Russian president only after the Hell freezes over. After a pretty compelling experience of living under Gorby and Yeltsin, Russians won’t allow another traitor to become president.

  55. Bashibuzuk says

    Early Islamic civilization – built upon Persian, Hellenistic, Latin and Buddhist Central Asian culture – was great and good for its historical period. From the tenth century onwards, Muslims have chosen a way forward that is incompatible with progress. Turkic domination and Mongolian conquest have cemented this state of affairs.

    Did you know that the Barmakid vizier family, which has greatly benefited the development of the Abbasid Caliphate, was of Afghani Buddhist origin?
    They were supposedly the offspring of the Satrap of Balkh, the patron of the Nava Vihara Buddhist monastery. That’s the possible reason for the Sanskrit origin of the name Baghdad given to the Abbasid capital (which was planned and built according to be mandala-shaped).

    I agree that modern Islam is mostly garbage, although:

    Perhaps all is not lost there…

  56. Early Islamic civilization – built upon Persian, Hellenistic, Latin and Buddhist Central Asian culture – was great and good for its historical period. From the tenth century onwards, Muslims have chosen a way forward that is incompatible with progress.

    While true this just means that Islam did not ruin things right away but took a few centuries to run civilizations it captured into the ground, in the process enjoying a bright transitional period (often due the participation of non-Islamic minorities or recent converts) before the decline. But the decline has been inevitable and universal.

    Communism is a modern analogue.

  57. Bashibuzuk says

    Early Islamic civilization offered a common cultural space on an unprecedented geographic scale between Cordoba and Kashgar. This was it’s most strong competitive advantage. The first two centuries were rather promising, the following two problematic and the rest were just going downhill one way or another.

    Communism is a rationalist ideology, born of the extremes of the Enlightenment Era and the nineteenth century progressive and socialist ideas. Therefore, it is amenable through human reasoning. We see it today in China.

    Islam is based on God-given commands, there are things that will have to be accepted by all Muslims as absolute Truths even if it contradicts reason (btw Al Haqk = Truth is one of the 99 manifested names of God in Islam). Therefore, Islam cannot be reformed beyond a certain point.

    Islam is not flexible enough to fit into modernity, but it is possibly enduring enough to survive our postmodern ways. The Taliban have certainly endured and will continue their very slow evolution.

  58. Bashibuzuk says

    Smolensky and Aven

    The problem is that these people and their likes are seen as “Russian elites”.

  59. Hapalong Cassidy says

    Under Biden, enemy #1 will be Russia rather than China for one simple reason – The Russians are white. Allies of China over here can successfully play the race card. The Russians not only do not have that luxury, they also have the everlasting enmity of the Jews.

  60. …The retard Trump tried to stop multipolarity, his only salvation.

    I agree, except I wouldn’t use the term retarded. Trump did what he could, but he went overboard in a few foreign areas that was unavoidable given his weakness and the Washington dynamic.

    The ideology of global liberalism is dead. It has no place to go, it is widely discredited and disliked. It has nothing but brute force, censorship and repression left. It cannot deliver on its promises – all ideologies die once it is obvious that they are unable to fulfil their promises, it always happens, the last example was the collapse of ‘socialism’ (of any kind) in the 80’s.

    Globo-liberalism has everything going for it except results. And results matter, you can’t fool people for too long that black is white. That makes a western centric Liberal World Order impossible, it just won’t happen. What we are seeing are the last twitches of desperation and overreach by a collapsing ideology.

  61. Speaking of Chinese posters, where is AquariusAnon?

  62. China, as far as we know cares about the continued existence of it’s people. A nuclear war will end it, regardless of the size of their nuclear stockpile. The US on other hand… It wouldn’t be suprising if some strategy planers in Washington have considered world population 0 being a victory for liberalism.

  63. Buddishts has been fightung and killing for centuries . Pick a ocuntry any of these –Vietnam , Sri Lanka, Tibet, Mynamar and I am not talkimg about 1900 AD or later .

    Islam is on whose back white Zionised Europe started the journey . In it feet it will be laid to rest.
    Enjoy your cancer

  64. YetAnotherAnon says

    “China is not a “commie country”, it is actually a socially conservative country”

    Communist countries have historically been very socially conservative. An obvious tourist could walk round Red Square at 2 am in the 1970s in perfect safety, which is more than could be said about Times Square in that era.

    China is extremely conservative. Bastardy is not just discouraged but punished. But if just being socially conservative was enough, no wars would ever have been fought. The Kaiser’s Germany and Edwardian Britain would have agreed pretty well on social and moral issues.

    The US (and the West in general) has been outsourcing its manufacturing to China for the last 40 years. The fact that this was welcomed both by US and Chinese elites is neither here nor there – it has diminished US power and increased Chinese power. Trump, however imperfectly, was attempting to reverse this trend before he lost power through vote fraud.

  65. Hyperborean says

    Communist countries have historically been very socially conservative. An obvious tourist could walk round Red Square at 2 am in the 1970s in perfect safety, which is more than could be said about Times Square in that era.

    Soviet conservatism was much more dependent on Stalin’s victory in the 1920s Soviet power and ideological struggles than its authoritarianism. (Examine the social history of early Soviet society and in particular the cultural revolution of 1928-32 for a distinct possibility of how the USSR could have turned out long term).

    China is extremely conservative. Bastardy is not just discouraged but punished. But if just being socially conservative was enough, no wars would ever have been fought.

    Is China conservative? This depends on one’s metrics.

    Yes, China is more conservative than America but, despite the partial co-optation of traditionalists by the Party, many of the cultural changes brought by Mao’s rule and the Reform and Opening period are still there and still continuing.

  66. Bardon Kaldian says

    I have to disagree & agree, at least partly.

    Of course, only fools deny greatness & huge cultural impact of geniuses like Ibn Sina, Al Ghazzali, Ibn Rushd, Rumi, Omar Khayyam, Saadi, Ibn Arabi, Al Khwarizmi & others. Perhaps 70% of them were Persians, others mostly Arabs & a few Turks (I think Al Farabi may be of Turkic heritage). The Golden Age had lasted from ca. 8th C to ca. 12th-13th C, with flashes elsewhere (central Asia, Mogul India etc.).

    True, Mongol invasion dealt the deadly blow; true, the classical Islam had been much more advanced & tolerant than Christendom (which was, then, basically, a giant shithole); true, we all owe much to Islam as the transmission between East & West.

    But, Islam remains, socio-culturally an unreformed mega-Judaism, and much more aggressive. Jews were like Muslims – annoying Middle Easterners, until emancipation in the 19th C, but then most of them hurried to assimilate as fast as they could. Shlomo, Shmuel, Leah, … became Marcel, Louis, Catherine. Muslims in, say, France, remain Ahmad, Rashida etc. Islam is not like Christianity where national identities superseded religious ones; there cannot be a true secular country with Islamic cultural heritage. All experiments, from Kemal Pasha to Arab nationalism- failed. Islam reaffirmed itself as the central loyalty of Muslim peoples. Ummah is stronger than anything else & it defies all reforms & dilution. Muslims don’t assimilate as a group; they don’t progress; they don’t innovate; they are always trying to turn the others into Muslims; their Shariah is unalterable; they are enemies of the modernity; they are slaves to their version of God’s decrees & taboos. Widely spread, they are always in conflict with other cultural spheres (Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Confucians, atheists, …).

    Is apostasy in Christianity punishable by death, in past 200 years? No. In Buddhism? No. In Hinduism? No. In Taoism as religion? No. In the Baha’i religion? No. In Judaism? No.

    Only in Islam.

    I cannot accept that something which has proven, in past 500 years, to be unreformable is, well, like all other religious-cultural spheres, more or less. I would say- you’ve been given multiple chances in past 100-200 years and- failed. No way you can still blame Genghis Khan & Hulagu Khan for your attitudes & behavior. There is no future for you in the modern & post-modern world. We, moderns, should better build a super- high Chinese wall & isolate you, until you change. As I’ve said to a Muslim friend of mine – I’ll take you people seriously only when your females give pussy to us Kafirs.

    Until then- Apartheid from them.

    As regards Sayyed Hossein Nasr, he belongs to the Perennial school. Although they differ in some respects, these people are often grouped together: Fritjof Schuon, Rene Guenon, Titus Burckhardt, Martin Lings, Sayyed Hossein Nasr, Marco Pallis, Ananda Coomarswamy, Julius Evola & some others. I’ve read many of their stuff – and would advise anyone who has spare time on his hands to do so – but I must admit I am highly critical of the whole group.

    Good things about them all: they’re polyglot erudites; artistically sensitive, cultured & cosmopolitan; mostly, know their stuff & won’t misrepresent a tradition they expatiate upon (Islamic Sufism, Vedanta, Christian medieval art, …).

    Bad things: most of these guys (though not all) are, except Nasr, Pallis, Coomarswamy -Islamic converts & therefore I am not persuaded by their supposed universalism; they are crackpot political reactionaries without elementary knowledge of the world’s realities; they are basically – obscurantists, even the best among them like Burckhardt & Nasr (while Guenon & Evola could be considered psychos by any sane-minded shrink). They, virtually all of them, are very uneasy with our Greco-Roman heritage of individualism, rationality, skepticism & Prometheanism; they abhor the Renaissance & all artistic & scientific development after the Middle Ages, including Copernicus & the rest (Darwin is also an ogre, while 20th C physics is, I suppose, something they hadn’t heard of). Heliocentric system is – bad. Enlightenment – bad. No further comments.

    I don’t see any future for liberal (in the positive meaning of the word) Islam. Ismailis, the Baha’i, Ahmadiyya … are destined to remain persecuted minorities.

    My solution: no Final Solution, but Apartheid from the modern world. Until they change.

  67. Xi-jinping says

    I wouldn’t put too much faith in Russians not allowing another Gorby or Yeltsin to rule.

    Just look at the Russian youngsters who protest (and detest) Putin simply on the basis he has been in power their whole life.

    Their standard rhetoric goes something like this “If our laws worked, we’d put all the corrupt bureaucrats into prison and live like Europe or America”. Which is exactly the same rhetoric that was used in the late 80’s when Gorby came to power.

    Plus Russian youth is VERY pro-globohomo due to easy access to Youtube, Instagram, Facebook and “commitment to free speech” that allows channels like Dozhd or Echo Moscow to exist. Due to natural proclivities of Youth to rebel, they will also go against the status quo and follow the ‘alternative’ ‘pro-Western’ media. The Youth have no memories of Yeltsin’s or Gorbachev’s time and think their parents are just being boomers.

  68. Xi-jinping says

    Nothing wrong with communism.

    We can see how well it worked to propel the USSR to defeat Nazi Germany and give it the Atomic bomb and allow administration of even the coldest corners of the country (hence why Soviet pastroika’s are still evident in the arctic, whilst modern RF cannot build anything of use without it going overbudget).

    And now look at Chinese communism that still uses principles of Stalin’s central planning to surpass the USA in economy and be resistant to attempts to shut it down (unlike Japan).

  69. showmethereal says

    Well of course that is the plan… But Putin is no dummy and isn’t allowing it to happen. The flip side is true. A China that is seen as dangerous to the US gives Russia breathing space since NATO has to go with the US. Meanwhile Russia makes lots of money selling oil and gas and grain to China – which allows it to pay for all the new military hardware Putin ordered.

  70. showmethereal says

    Nah China doesn’t have a nuclear arsenal the size of Russia or the US… But I think you are absolutely correct that it is far more than 300

  71. Daniel Chieh says

    Eh, a more Communist country wouldn’t be so comfortable with:

    1)having so many billionaires,
    2)90% of new jobs come from private industry,
    3)70% of investment comes from private industry

    Source is Xinhua, so this indicates that the government isn’t bothered by such trends.

    I think that “state capitalism” has been increasingly used to describe China. In practice, its probably fair to say that it is a capitalism with a semi-hereditary and semi-meritocratic governing class called the CCP that holds totalitarian power.

  72. showmethereal says

    “Pakistan lately has been served a lesson by Saudi .Pakistani military has come to the conclusion that Saudi is nothing but a snake”

    Indeed Pakistan is moving out of Saudi influence and more towards Turkey and Iran as relates to the Islamic world. Their relationship with China is always separate and apart.

    “Meanwhile Russia has cancelled a meeting with India after repeated denunciation of Indian tilt to Quad . India has hit back against Russian attitude .”

    Yes I’ve seen comment by Indian government officials basically calling Russia silly for being against the US “Indo-Pacific” strategy. It’s amazing how India has pivoted away from Russia their former benefactor. A few years ago when India started buying US military gear – Russia sold some to Pakistan. I would expect that to increase now as India tilts more to the US. I’m just really shocked.

    Iran basically told them to take a hike on their former port agreement when India obeyed the US and stopped buying Iranian oil.

  73. Marshal Marlow says

    It’s odd how words or abbreviations suddenly appear fully formed out in the wild. It’s like they’ve been released from a think tank somewhere.

  74. Bashibuzuk says

    I think this is possibly the near future of the global human social organization: quasi- corporate structures parading as states and states parading as quasi- corporate structures. In both cases a semi-hereditary, quasi-meritocratic technocratic elite is empowered, while the remaining 99% are mere “stakeholders ” entirely dependent on the good will of this elite.

    USSR nearly got there around 1980, we had complete state capitalism!, the Soviet Union was one big corporation. But the information technology was not quite ready yet and our Nomenklatura screwed up the transition. Humanity had some respite for a couple of generations. But now the Chinese – being more meticulous and less irrational – caught up and will carry the transformation forward.

    And they will do that with the help of the globalized financial elites. The same elites whose functional precursors financed the 1917 Communist revolution in Russia. Perhaps we are under good care after all perhaps they have a plan.

    И все идёт по плану…

  75. platypus119 says

    This is the real question … Everyone says China has no soft power, when in reality it has extraordinary soft power.

  76. Xi-jinping says

    Although you might be right, we must remember that the ideal of Marx was to have Communism but it was an ideal that he viewed as almost unreachable. Instead we have socialism that was on the way to Communism.

    With the presence of SOE (that control all the vital industries) and many government reforms (for example to medicine) to make it more socialist, the CCP’s goal to eliminate poverty or the use of the State Planning appartus to improve the lives of its citizens we can say that the State is Socialist and that (as Stalin said) both money and billionaires are necessary to surpass the capitalist powers, before they are abolished when these capitalist powers are subverted.

    In fact this is quite possible, if most of the world adopts Chinese soft power (as they have done with American), money and this form of excessive capitalism can be phased out for something more tendable.

  77. The US (and the West in general) has been outsourcing its manufacturing to China for the last 40 years. The fact that this was welcomed both by US and Chinese elites is neither here nor there – it has diminished US power and increased Chinese power.

    Oh, really?

    Question to Trump-Tards: What’s wrong with diminished US power? The only way to beat liberalism is to weaken the US, since you lost control of it it due to your own stupidity.

    You, instead, are trying to prop it up, propping up a beast that will eat you later.

    Another example of the stupidity of Trump tards is that they don’t understand that fighting China means fighting Russia too. Russia does not want for China to go down, so that Russia remains alone and it becomes the next target.

  78. Supply and Demand says

    Fact Check: The 2020 election was won by Joe Biden freely and fairly.

  79. The ideology of global liberalism is dead.

    Who told you that? The world is becoming a more liberal place actually. Have you seen what’s happening in South Korea, or in Argentina, or the fight of Sorosoids to take over Polland? Or the take over of international institutions, such as the UN, the IMF, the World Bank?

    Liberalism is not dead, because it managed to take over the West, which represents 50 % of the global economy and two thirds of global science, a world reserve currency, with military bases everywhere, plus it is backed up by certain demographic changes in the world.

    So on the contrary, there will be a big fight this century, as the West will be becoming even more liberal (western conservatives will be wiped out), and will be trying fanatically to cause a liberal take over everywhere, just like the USSR back then was pushing for communist take overs all over the world.

    The West is the new USSR, only much more powerful than it. So it will be fighting to impose its ideology on the world. This is what the 21st century will be all about.

    The only chance for survival for western right wingers was to link up with China, Russia and Iran, but they are too stupid to do that. So i’m not surprised to see them getting owned.

  80. Kent Nationalist says

    Masterful coping, next you will be telling us about Maoist quantum computers sending messages back in time

  81. Bardon Kaldian says
  82. The stupidity of western rightoids, as noted by Karlin, is astounding.

    Yes this same rightoid also wanted better relations with Russia. The poor retard failed to understand that if he fights China, he will have to be figting Russia too. And with UK wanting to become a 51st state of increasingly liberal US, retards like him will be wiped out from Britain and replaced with more “politically correct” figures. There is no love in liberal circles for ignorants like this one.

  83. Europe Europa says

    He already is wiped out, he holds no office what so ever any more and has never been elected as a MP in the UK and not for want of trying, only ever as an MEP.

    Although I’m not convinced that Russia and China share the same destiny either. Would Russia be so friendly with China if they decided to make an issue of the “unequal treaties” over land in the Russian Far East? I don’t believe China is going to stop at Hong Kong, that’s just the most high profile issue right now but they will work their way down the list.

  84. Farage is a prime example of the negative influence of Trump on western rightoids, he managed to corrupt them from isolationism into imperialism. Kissing the arse of the Empire won’t save them though, liberals are determined to wipe out rightoids on pure ideological grounds.

    China does not have the capacity to take over the world. The coming world will be multipolar, not China centric. Right now the West is too influential, especially ideologically, so better relations between Russia and China will continue until 2050 at least.

    What you described can only happen if the West is gone, and that won’t happen before 2050, if at all.

    What both countries agree is on sovereignty and a multipolar world, as well as on the need to cut the US down to size. For that russian decision, the US has only itself to blame.

  85. Commentator Mike says

    Well maybe they realised that repression and censorship didn’t work last time round. I’m in two minds about it. Perhaps the Russian communists didn’t have to go over-board with the suppression of religion and the Church and their excessive social engineering and censorship of all criticism, and could have instead adopted a more tolerant attitude. The problem then is that the enemies will use that tolerance to infiltrate their own enemy propaganda and pursue their aims to disrupt and defeat your society from within.

  86. Bashibuzuk says

    money and this form of excessive capitalism can be phased out for something more tendable.

    It is not about money and capital. It is about efficiency and control. The Chinese model is more efficient and allows more stringent control, therefore it will be extended to other geographic areas. That would not mean that Maoism will. Anyway, political labels are mostly NLP used to brainwash the masses.

    You can call it the Green New Deal in US. Green on the outside, red on the inside like a watermelon. But even this color-coded political branding is bogus.

  87. Supply and Demand says

    The difference with the Russian Far East is that it was Manchu land that doesn’t really factor into the “10,000 year civilization” myth. Han Chinese inherently believe that they as a people emerged from the Tibetan plateau and had their civilization emerge in the Tarim basin. Most of this ideology was created ipso facto in the Song Dynasty, but it serves the role as foundational myth.

    If Russia collapses, for sure they’d occupy the land as a matter of course, but comparing Hong Kong, Tibet, and Xinjiang with, say, Buryatia, isn’t really an equal matter. They simply don’t need the Russian Far East to achieve a “complete china” in the mandate of heaven sense.

  88. Bashibuzuk says

    Russian communists didn’t have to go over-board

    Russian Communism was a beta version, it was a draft. Information technology, computers and communications were not ready yet to ensure a complete control over the societal trends. It is now.

    The real thing is coming shortly. Imagine Chinese totalitarianism coupled with EU bureaucracy and American cancel-culture, globalized worldwide.
    Everything force fed to the masses under the ideological disguise of ecology, equality and (pseudo) meritocracy. A planetary corporate Ecocommunism with a controlled consumption of energy and resources by every single human being.

    That would be the world around 2050 if we don’t end up with a nuclear war instead.

  89. Bashibuzuk says

    They simply don’t need the Russian Far East to achieve a “complete china” in the mandate of heaven sense.

    They will have everything they need from Russia without the need to occupy anything. Russians will gladly provide energy and natural resources. Anyway, they can hardly provide anything else anymore.

  90. Nothing wrong with communism.


    We can see how well it worked to propel the USSR to defeat Nazi Germany and give it the Atomic bomb and allow administration of even the coldest corners of the country

    The 90s was the end point of Russian communism: a rusted, decrepit husk of its former self. A power whose destiny would have been to rule the world reduced to, at best, China’s lackey. After a period of playing second place to the Americans for a few decades. After botching a war against a much-smaller opponent, winning while in the process losing 27 million people.

    And now look at Chinese communism that still uses principles of Stalin’s central planning

    Mao used Stalin’s central planning, holding China back and in poverty for decades and killing a few tens of millions of people.

    Modern China has morphed into a state organized along roughly fascist principles, with ironically the state party being the Communist Party. Pure pseudo-Fascism run by competent technologically advanced people, free of competition from pre-Fascist structures like a Church, aristocrats, independent bourgeoisie (these had all been cleared out by China’s Stalinists) as had been the case in western Europe.

  91. YetAnotherAnon says

    Who said anything about fighting China ? If Trump tries to onshore some of the stuff that’s been offshored to China, or puts tariffs on Chinese imports, that’s not a cause for war. He’d have to interdict Chinese oil supplies to start that.

    The current Chinese elite, unlike the US elite, are not stupid. Why get into hostilities with the US or Europe when the US is becoming weaker with each passing decade? All they have to do is sit tight and increase their African resource extraction while cherrypicking assets from weaker/corrupt EU nations – like Piraeus port.

    If I were in Xi’s rope sandals, I’d be quoting whatever is the Chinese equivalent of Cromwell’s words at Dunbar, when he saw the Scots descending from their strong positions to give battle – “The Lord hath delivered them into our hands!“.

  92. YetAnotherAnon says

    “Han Chinese inherently believe that they as a people emerged from the Tibetan plateau and had their civilization emerge in the Tarim basin. “

    Really? First I’ve heard of that, although it would explain why they stopped DNA sampling from the Tarim Mummies.

  93. Supply and Demand says

    Have you read Sima Qian’s Records of the Grand Historian? As I understand it, that’s roughly where the first iteration of it springs up. Again, from my limited understanding, it only picked up steam as a concept after the Chinese conquest/reconquest of Qinghai and Tibet from the Bodpa dynasts.

    I suppose it roughly tracks with “out-of-africa” migrations. They’d have to cross into the Chinese plains somewhere around the Tarim basin and/or the Tibetan passes. I think the Northern approach was still permafrost at that point.

  94. Chinese civilization originated from the Yellow River basin lol.

  95. showmethereal says

    Correct – it’s cheaper to buy from the Russians than to want to re-occupy that land…. That’s why they finalized the treaty in the 90’s. Well aside from oil and gas – Russia still supplies some military jet engines (though that is decreasing as indigenous production of the WS10 and 15 and 20 comes online). If Biden continues Trump policy and GE can’t sell passenger jet engines to China – then they will most likely buy the new Russian PD-14 for the C919. But aside from that Russia still has the best air defenses – so China will certainly keep buying those for a while too.

    In terms of cooperation – Huawei has shifted R&D that it had in Europe and Australia into Russia. Huawei gets access to Russian mathematicians and Russia gets lots of nicely paid R&D jobs.

  96. The Spirit of Enoch Powell says

    The Western elite are incredibly stupid in their policy of alienating Russia and not treating it as a competent nation that can be considered am equal amongst the European community. Now Russia has to whore it’s scientists and researchers out to China who will likely discard them after they have gotten what is needed.

  97. Why does China still use ski jumps for its 2nd carrier?

  98. Trump is not trying to really onshore stuff, rather to move it out of China into India, Latin America or Vietnam. Anywhere that isn’t China. That was the result of his trade war, which increased the US trade deficit with the rest of the world.

    And yes, Trump is fighting China via hybrid wars, trying to recreate the Cold War as it was against the USSR, for example sanctioning the country over anything, including trade with Russia or Iran, stirring up protests in HK, comparing China to Nazi Germany, arming Taiwan, bullying other countries to stop trading with China, attacking chinese embassies, claiming that China is to blame for the US failure to contain the Pandemic, trying to blame China for all the world’s ills (arming Taliban) etc.

    He is desperate to prop up the US Empire and to start a new Cold War, to present himself as a savior of the US, as if the main problem for US rightoids is external and not internal, and he did far more against Russia and Iran than other US presidents too.

    He managed to corrupt many naturally isolationist western right wingers into imperialism and carrying water for the Empire that will eat them later.

    Saving the US for him means saving the US Empire and attacking anything that isn’t a total US puppet, whether Russia, China, Iran, Turkey, Belarus, Venezuela, Cuba, or others.

    The retard turned against those few who helped him get into power, such as Russia and Assange.

    Trump is a lying POS who initially promised better relations and getting alone with the rest of the world, only to get triggered by the rising multipolarity, going crazy that he no longer has “the biggest dick”, the US is no longer “in charge” or “number 1” and going desperate to save the US Empire.

    MAGA became = Make USA Rule the World Again.

    The retard managed to make everybody hate US republicans, that’s for sure. You are getting taken over internally and you lash out at anything that moves externally!

    “Very good” strategy for US rightoids.

  99. One advantage of the West is that its cognitive elites likely have verbal IQs exceeding Chinese elites, while having similar math IQs. The fact that China has to resort to crude wolf warrior diplomats instead of more suave smooth talker diplomatic types probably shows that its diplomatic core tends to lag behind in verbal IQ, or that its best and brightest tends to not go into the liberal arts and humanities courses in its top universities. I mean calling your client an imbecile probably is not the best way to sell his real estate.

  100. The fact that China has to resort to crude wolf warrior diplomats

    No one can get close to Mike Pompeo. Shitting on those who helped him get into power, such as Russia and Assange, that’s quite a feat.

    Only total humiliation and total liberal take over will fix US rightoids, but then it will be too late.

  101. A better indicator than tonnage is the quality of ship weapon systems, how up to date are Chinese naval weapons systems compared to their American or Western European counterparts?

  102. Trade deficit under Trump is up. US manufacturing started to shrink after he started his “trade war” policies, way before the pandemic

    Securing rare earth is needed for military purposes, it is important for imperialist trash with hegemonic ambitions, same for steel tarrifs, to secure domestic steel supplies for the military. Trump is military puppet, among other clients.

    He tried to sell his militarist BS (securing military supplies for war scenarios) as saving the common man.

    The rising trade deficit and the shrinking manufacturing sector tell the real story.

  103. Have you seen 2019 US manufacturing data, retardo? Even before the 2020 pandemic? I’m eastern european, by the way.

  104. Supply and Demand says

    I don’t argue with your point, but… Facts =/= national myths written by Tang Dynasty ‘historians’.

    This may be hard for you to grapple with, as I suspect — given your comment history — that you are some degree of autist or aspie.

  105. Supply and Demand says

    A123, was your intent to show people graphs that make America look as moribund as it actually is? Your paymasters may have to subtract some hasbara shekels from your stipend for this.

  106. Kent Nationalist says

    Then why are the oldest items discovered in Henan?

  107. That’s rate of increase. The peak in late 2018 (nearly 6% growth) was the greatest increase since 2011. The low point at the end of 2019 (.5% decline) was still better than the low point in late 2015 and 2016 (4% decline) and improving when Corona happened.

    US industrial production:

    No boom under Trump, but modest improvement since 2016. Prior to Corona, greatest production since after the 2009 crash, better than under the Obama years (but not back to 2009 level).

    To claim that Trump harmed US manufacturing is nonsense.

  108. Bashibuzuk says

    I agree with your assessment of the Western attitudes towards Russia. OTOH Russians are also responsible for this sad state of affairs. They had a lot of bargaining chips in the early 80ies. They blew it all during the 90ies in a nihilistic rush to corrupt capitalism. Then the 00ies were a time of fixing the most pressing problems, but instead of keeping a low profile in the 10ies they suddenly started pretending that they are ready again to lead in their geographical area, if not worldwide. This posturing was premature and counterproductive. No strategic vision, poor planning, poor execution. They could have done better.

  109. In 2019, after he started his so called trade wars, he definitely harmed US manufacturing, with it coming near recession. It was pretty bad in the first 2 months of 2020 too. His overall manufacturing production rise for 2017 – 2019 period is no better than during Obama.

  110. Indian elite occupies an envious impenetrable truth-proof position. The middle class identifies with this segment finding meaning in poor impoverished semi-literate lives. Elite has stayed same,-unchanged in orientation since the transfer of power in 1947. But a reckoning might be overdue from two things -diminishing return from hatred for the minority and slow disappearing act of America .

    Interest based attitude would have allowed India to set the fulcrum of foreign relation on a more agile ,neutral ,and ready mode providing it the opportunity of securing the interest of the common folks . These elites would be the first to bail out to safety leaving the rest stuck . Pivoting to USA gives them both the pious balmy hoary platitudes of ultranationalism which keeps the billions of sheep happy and the opportunity of keeping the door open for moving to the west if situation warrants . No other area fools their public so much by touting the stamp of approval of the west as much as Indian elite does . In the process the Indian elite hurt, stab, and denigrate the former benefactors without batting an eye.

  111. US industrial production at the end of 2019 was higher than during all the Obama years and was highest since the 2009 crash. The so-called trade war may not have been helpful (it is associated with slight decline before slightly rebounding right before Corona) but overall it didn’t change the fact that manufacturing was better under Trump than before Trump.

  112. And US manufacturing production was higher at the end of Obama than during the beginning of Obama. Because it still grows over all those years. It would be higher at the end of his terms even if it was at defacto recession – at 0,1 % growth per anum. Thus even if the situation was terrible.

    For comparisons between presidents, what matters is manufacturing growth, and that was the same during Trump and during Obama. Its the same with GDP, what matters was GDP growth during Trump, and not that GDP would end up being higher at the end of Trump’s term anyway. It will always be higher because there is always some growth per year, for every president. What matters are macroeconomic trends and comparison of those trends, some growth is always to be seen under any president.

    Under Trump, the same low growth of US manufacturing continued as if it was Obama.

  113. For comparisons between presidents, what matters is manufacturing growth, and that was the same during Trump and during Obama.

    According to this chart you posted:

    Manufacturing had declined by 4% under late Obama; Trump corrected this soon after taking power and it never declined by that much under him, at worst it dipped ~.8% before correcting, and then Corona.

    Obama’s high growth came during his first term when America partially recovered from hitting “bottom” in 2009. Trump’s term was better than Obama’s second term.

  114. No, from the looks of it Trump’s growth for the 2017 – 2019 period plus first two 2020 months was no better than during Obama’s second term period. It is something close to 2 % per anum for each president.

  115. Commentator Mike says

    LOL! Chinese politicians/elites are far more diplomatic than Western ones, and Russians even more so. Western politicians/elites just bark like mad dogs or refuse to engage in honest all-sided debates without getting accusatory and self-righteous.

  116. Commentator Mike says

    I’m looking forward to the day when China and Russia start imposing sanctions on US and EU for their many international crimes (which pale compared to anything China or Russia have done) and pressure smaller and weaker countries to join these sanctions. That’ll be the day. But I doubt that day will ever come, knowing how they are.

  117. …Liberalism is not dead, because it managed to take over the West

    I said that the liberal ideology is at this point brain-dead, the liberalism itself will outlive it by force for a while. That always happens with dying ideologies. Communism was basically brain-dead by the late 50’s, at the latest by the 60’s, yet it went on and on in a sad attempt to prolong what had no longer any vitality. All ideologies become a zombie force as they end. Christianity did too, and have you noticed how the medieval Islamic revival has completely sputtered out?

    I don’t disagree with you about the ongoing ugly struggle. And I agree that the rival countries have adopted many liberal views – some more, some less. That is similar to the mid-20th century when socialist ideas were all the vogue everywhere, large parts of the West were ruled by them.

    The reason global liberalism is dead is that it simply can no longer promise anything. It has no results. That matters. People are adaptable (ignore the freaks, they always pop up). People see that having a global labor market is a trap for perpetual poverty, that countries without borders are not countries, that liberal idiocies like extreme trans-LGBT, the BLM madness, or the assorted feminist utopias are dead-ends – they simply lead to a society, nation and family disappearing. That will not last. The reason liberals are so frantic is that they intuitively know it, they know that as an ideology it’s over. They have no sustainable appeal left, only bribes, lying, threats and violence.

    There is no liberal promise left. Have you noticed that in the last 10 years all the happy talk about global synergy, multi-cultural paradise, no borders, no families, and rising water lifts all boats promises are gone? Obama would be a joke today if he spewed his lame liberal cliches …they are done. But they will make our lives miserable on their way to oblivion. If 10 years from now if you can find a dozen genuinely liberal 18-year olds anywhere in the world who are not paid to do it or who are not trans-something malcontents, I will be surprised.

    Of course, they might blow it up on their way out.

  118. Actually the manufacturing sector of the US got into recession, not to mention the trade deficit widened, right after Trump started his trade wars in 2019. I was a Trump supporter too, but later i changed by opinion after i realised that he is trying to save the US Empire. I realised that to break the Liberal World Order one must break the US, which imo is not salvageable.

    Signed: former US and Trump supporter.

  119. Bashibuzuk says

    I mostly agree.

    OTOH, Roger Garaudy (another convert from progressive communist universalism to Islam) once opined that the strength of Islam is that it prevents any nation it dominates from achieving its maximum developpement, from in a sense blooming and bearing fruits. The idea being that a culture which doesn’t attain maximum greatness doesn’t know the ensuing downfall.

    Islam is stasis, if not challenged by outside actors ie other cultures and civilizations, Islamic Ummah would have attained a state of social equilibrium. This is what perennialists like about Islam. And this is why Islam might well endure, survive and overcome Western promethean spirit. That is if it is left unchallenged under a global system of Apartheid separating Muslims from the rest of the humankind.

    Actually, if isolated from all outside interferences Islam would produce something akin to ISIS under Sunni or Shiah domination. Then it would simply exist in a state of arrested development. It could be a semi-permanent state lasting centuries or even millennia.

    From a purely biological perspective, it kind of makes sense when you think about it.

  120. People don’t see that, surveys show that western populations are becoming more and more liberal. And not only western ones. The old West is dead, its just a zombie of its former self, and yet it still accounts for 50 % of the world economy and most science production, possessing nearly one thousand military bases and a world reserve currency, which makes it far stronger and more dangerous than the Soviet Union. Not to mention that demographic changes such as urbanisation naturally support an increase in liberalism, and provide a tailwind to the efforts of the Western Empire.

    The only way to break the Liberal World Order is to break the West and the way to break the West is to support multipolarity, that is – support Russia, China, Iran, Turkey, India, Indonesia, anything that isn’t the West.

    Only the combined power of the rest of the planet can stop the West – now a zombie that has nothing to do with the former person. To stop the threat one must get rid of the zombie. It is gone and not salvageable.

  121. Btw i know that the West will become much more liberal in the future than it is today. I have a methodology to know why a certain country is more liberal than others, and will that country become more liberal in the future, or less liberal. So what you see in the West now is just the beginning. I also know how it can be stopped, that is – to make a country (its population) naturally illiberal, without sacrificing its economy, relative modernity, or its urbanisation.

    If you have a mail i can share my info, because i don’t want to go public with it.

  122. What a dumbass, and I used to quite like him. Well, I’m still sure he’s a riot at parties, but I never initially suspected he was such a blatant neocon.

  123. Manufacturing, value added (doesn’t include 2019):

    Obama’s second term:

    2013: 2.93%
    2014: 1.88%
    2015: .77%
    2016: – .49

    Trump’s first 2 years:

    2017: 2.65%
    2018: 3.9%

    I don’t think 2019’s worse performance would have been enough to bring Trump’s average growth below Obama’s.

    As for GDP growth:

    Obama’s second term GDP growth:

    2013: 1.84%
    2014: 2.53%
    2015: 2.9%
    2016: 1.63%

    Average: 2.23%

    Trump’s pre-covid GDP growth:

    2017: 2.37%
    2018: 2.93%
    2019: 2.16%

    Average: 2.49%

    Nothing to brag about, but better. So despite tariffs and trade disruptions, Trump’s term was better for the US economy than Obama’s second term.

  124. YetAnotherAnon says

    “those who helped him get into power, such as Russia”

    I don’t know if you’re a Dem troll, but you’re sure singing the same lies we heard four years ago.

  125. After a period of playing second place to the Americans for a few decades. After botching a war against a much-smaller opponent, winning while in the process losing 27 million people.

    You’re showing your hand again. That same ‘much smaller’ opponent had also conquered half of Europe, with the remainder being semi-vassals, after smashing France in a few weeks. Not to mention, most of those millions were massacred civilians, but keep clinging to your Banderite fantasies.

  126. Cool, and i agree with that, but i notice that you tried to change the talk from after Trump’s trade wars, which is something i was initially talking about in my comments, to the whole Trump mandate, which isn’t something i was talking about initially. So after taking trade wars into account, (2019 and 2020 two months, not going to mention the Covid issue) Trump performed even worse than Obama.

    Actually i quite liked Trump during the first year, maybe two years, but not after that, after he showed his true face, and moved from dealing with internal problems into lashing out at anything that moves that isn’t a total US puppet.

  127. The Spirit of Enoch Powell says

    I doubt Russia would have amounted to as much without Communism, it industrialised very fast but this came at a massive cost, same with China.

  128. You’re showing your hand again. That same ‘much smaller’ opponent had also conquered half of Europe, with the remainder being semi-vassals, after smashing France in a few weeks.

    France was a fraction of the size of the USSR. Germany defeated small opponents one at a time, before attacking the much-larger USSR. But you are correct – Germany managed to inflict so much damage upon the larger USSR while also occupying a hostile continent. Makes USSR’s performance even worse.

    Not to mention, most of those millions were massacred civilians

    Yes, pathetically giving up huge chunks of territory led to this debacle.

    your Banderite fantasies

    You have a fantasy that I am a Banderite.

  129. Felix Keverich says

    No, it means that US media have not a shred of integrity left.

  130. Bashibuzuk says

    AP is certainly an anticommunist, but I don’t think that he is a Banderaste or a Russophobe. He just made his first visit to the former USSR at its nadir, ie in the early 90ies. As a French saying goes; “You never have a second time to make a great first impression “.

    AP’s first impression of 90ies Russia was naturally a negative one and I can relate because that time was probably the most negative period of my own life. But given that I’ve grown there, I know that prior to 1990 it was quite livable and that the postapocaliptic atmosphere of the early 90ies was due to the shock reforms initiated by the likes of Gaidar and Chubais.

    If AP would have visited Moscow and Piter around 1988, his perception of the Soviet regime woulf have been more nuanced. I personally dislike Communism for its brutal totalitarian nature, but I will never pretend that it was an entirely negative social system.

  131. I don’t need to be a dem troll, it was very clear that Russia is highly supportive of Trump. Imo it did various hacks and it fed information to Assange, but i can’t prove it of course. But all russian gov related media, various pro-russian media resources, and most of the russian people as well were very supportive of Trump.

  132. Didn’t he start his career by denouncing BNP?

    I’m not sure that’s enough to tell you if someone is a neocon, but probably enough to tell you that they are a scoundrel.

  133. So after taking trade wars into account, (2019 and 2020 two months, not going to mention the Covid issue) Trump performed even worse than Obama.

    Trump’s tariffs on China began in early 2018:

    an. 22: U.S. President Donald Trump imposes tariffs on all imported washing machines and solar panels, including from China.

    March 8: Trump orders 25% tariffs on steel imports and 10% on aluminum from all suppliers including from China.

    April 2: China imposes tariffs of up to 25% on 128 U.S. products including airplanes and soybeans.

    Sept. 24: 10% tariffs on $200 billion of Chinese imports kick in. The administration says the rate will increase to 25% on Jan. 1, 2019. China taxes $60 billion of U.S. goods.


    In 2019 US manufacturing did worse than under Obama’s average in total, but still better than Obama’s last year.

    This is beyond my expertise, but I think the point of the trade war with China wasn’t immediate improvement but to help American manufacturing reestablish itself (sanctions on Russia had a similar effect of that country).

  134. There was no virus scare in Q4 2019, sorry. But there was a repo crisis in the US and the Fed had to start expanding its balance sheet again for the first time since several years. Not a good sign for the US economy.

    Ultimately, in 2019 US manufacturing growth was very poor, near recession, and the trade deficit was larger than in 2017, with Fed balance sheet expanding again due to the repo crisis.

  135. The Spirit of Enoch Powell says

    Didn’t he start his career by denouncing BNP?

    Not only that, but he boasted about how UKIP undermined the BNP

    He was most likely controlled opposition, Nick Griffin once talked about how certain American interests approached him and offered to generously fund the party if they didn’t talk about the banking system and about Zionism, he refused and that’s when the downfall began

  136. AP is certainly an anticommunist, but I don’t think that he is a Banderaste or a Russophobe

    My family were never fans of Banderists, actually as a kid I assumed that “Banderivets” was the Ukrainian word for “asshole.”

    I’m not going to doxx myself but my family’s politics (and my own, generally) can be inferred from this family member.

    He just made his first visit to the former USSR at its nadir, ie in the early 90ies

    I visited (Ukraine) in 1990, when the USSR still existed. Impression was of extreme squalor, compared to the USA, Canada and Western Europe I had visited. Had I visited Mexico maybe my impression would have been better.

    I knew a lot of ex-Soviet students in the early 1990s as a university student (I married one of them); I heard plenty of stories (i.e., one of my classmates had gotten kidnapped and held for ransom). My first trip to Russia was in 1999, I was in Moscow for the new millenium and watched on TV as Putin became president. I missed the wildest and most desperate years (probably mid 90s) and have been watching Russia getting better every year since that first visit. I liked the 1999 visit very much though – museums and theaters were spectacular and dirt cheap (I pretended to be from Ukraine and didn’t pay Western prices), I still recall Tennessee Williams at Sovremenik, Eifman’s Red Giselle at Bolshoy, visiting the Urals, wild nightlife, cheap pirated electronic stuff at Gorbushka, etc.

  137. Shortsword says

    There is a difference when comparing to France. Germany had no intention of mass killings in France except for the relatively small number of Jews. But on the eastern front Germany started killing off prisoners of war as soon as the invasion started. If Germany had done the same in France how many would have died?

  138. Only small tarrifs “began” in the beginning.

    The trade war escalated gradually, year by year with stronger and stronger escalation by the US. The more time passed, the stronger it got. It was the smallest at the beginning. Far more stronger in 2019. See 2019 page.

    Dec. 7: Court proceedings show the United States has issued an arrest warrant for Meng Wanzhou as it believes Meng covered up attempts by Huawei-linked companies to sell equipment to Iran, breaking U.S. sanctions against the country.

    Aug. 1: Trump announces 10% tariffs on $300 billion in Chinese imports, after two days of talks with no progress.

    Aug. 5: China halts purchases of U.S. agricultural products, and the Chinese yuan weakens past the key seven per dollar level. The U.S. Treasury says China is manipulating its currency.

    Aug. 13: Trump postpones some of the 10% tariffs on the $300 billion goods list until Dec. 15.

    Aug. 23: China announces additional retaliatory tariffs on about $75 billion worth of U.S. goods.

    Sept. 20: U.S. Trade Representative issues tariff exclusions on about 400 Chinese products.

    Oct. 7: The U.S. Commerce Department puts 28 Chinese companies on its “entity list,” restricting the sale of U.S. goods and technology to them over their alleged involvement in human rights abuses against Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang. China says the United States should stop interfering in its affairs.

    Oct. 11: After two days of high-level talks, Trump announces a Phase 1 deal that includes suspension of planned tariffs and a Chinese pledge to buy more farm goods.

    The point of the trade war was more about harming China than helping the US, as other countries did not face similar level of tarrifs and manufacturers simply moved from China into SE Asia.

    Hence the lack of improvement in US manufacturing or trade deficit.

    Trump’s trade war was a marriage of convenience between a small ideological Trumpist cabal, desperate to save the US Empire (mainly by harming others), and US corporations, who agreed to that as long as they can manufacture in other countries. Countries such as Vietnam liked it a lot.

  139. Bardon Kaldian says

    Interesting- but I am skeptical re such huge projections (though, Garaudy’s observation is very, very interesting).

    From what I’ve seen, I would say that empirical reality is more complex. True, Islam is a stasis & a seething aggression. But, that’s what you get when you put them together, and they do, naturally, tend to form isolated, gated communities.

    Just, there are more & more Muslims getting tired of Islam. They’re fed up with it. Especially in the West – if they are not allowed to form tightly knit communities – they quickly dismiss Islam & become secularists, mostly atheists. I call this de-zombification from Islam. My estimate is that 20-40% of them will dump the religion in next 10-20 years. I know it sounds preposterous, but I have a hunch ….

    As for liberal spiritual Muslims, Sufi type liberal intellectuals, forget it, they are a negligible minority. Maajid is, after his own spiritual & life Odyssey, a statistical fluctuation:

  140. Bardon Kaldian says
  141. The Spirit of Enoch Powell says

    Just, there are more & more Muslims getting tired of Islam. They’re fed up with it. Especially in the West – if they are not allowed to form tightly knit communities – they quickly dismiss Islam & become secularists, mostly atheists. I call this de-zombification from Islam. My estimate is that 20-40% of them will dump the religion in next 10-20 years. I know it sounds preposterous, but I have a hunch ….

    More the opposite I would say, the youth in the Muslim nations will liberalise while the ones in the West will become more entrenched in their beliefs, a mix of ethnic ghetto culture and Islamic extremism.

    POLL: 66% of Young Muslims in France Want Blasphemy Punished by Law: 26% do not oppose the assassination of cartoonists mocking Mohammed

    This is mostly due to the anti-Islam/Muslim sentiments in the West from the native peoples, sentiments which are a proxy for anti-nonwhite sentiments in all reality. Similar to how the White South Africans became more racially aware in Africa where they were surrounded by Blacks, so too do Muslims tend to drift away from the European liberal mainstream, after realising they will never fit in. Notice how all the terror attacks are done by third-generation immigrants.

    The first generation doesn’t expect too much from their host country, they do not even notice ‘microaggressions’ as they do not have the capabilities to understand Western social cues yet, second generation are both here and there, they still visit home with their parents but are Westernised nonetheless, third generation are completely detached from their homeland and take on an exaggerated version of their ethnic identity to make up for their lack of organic identity.

    A running joke on large image boards is that whenever an anti-Islam thread comes up, the users from Muslims countries tend to be ambivalent about them while the most negative and vitriolic response to the threads are from Muslim immigrants posting from Europe under French, British, Swedish etc flags.

    Western Muslims will likely form the core of Islam in the future, as their home countries get pozzed, 9/11 merely delayed this process by a few years

  142. But you are correct – Germany managed to inflict so much damage upon the larger USSR while also occupying a hostile continent. Makes USSR’s performance even worse.

    Hostile resistance to German occupation or puppet regimes was absolutely negligible (until the war’s end when imminent allied victory was obvious) in every country except Greece and the Serbian core of Yugoslavia. Many states such as the Czech-protectorate/Slovakia, Denmark, Turkey and Sweden contributed massive agricultural/industrial resources to the German war effort. Alongside the armies of Hungary, Italy, Finland and especially Romania, there were also large contingents of volunteers to the German Eastern front, even coming from neutral Spain and Sweden.

    Anyway, you should think highly of the USSR, because that’s the only reason a Ukrainian state has first come into being.

  143. AnonFromTN says

    you should think highly of the USSR, because that’s the only reason a Ukrainian state has first come into being.

    No good deed ever goes unpunished.

  144. Hostile resistance to German occupation or puppet regimes was absolutely negligible (until the war’s end when imminent allied victory was obvious) in every country except Greece and the Serbian core of Yugoslavia.

    Occupying most of the Continent (plus the British annoyance) tied down German troops who had to occupy those countries. Without that, little Germany would have actually defeated the huge USSR rather than just slaughter 27 million Soviet citizens.

    Anyway, you should think highly of the USSR, because that’s the only reason a Ukrainian state has first come into being

    You should think highly of Nazi Germany, it gave you a nice myth with which to redeem your soiled and pathetic legacy of failure.

    Ukrainian states preceded the USSR:

  145. But on the eastern front Germany started killing off prisoners of war as soon as the invasion started.

    Wiki: The Krivosheev study listed 8,668,400 irreplaceable losses (from listed strength): 5,226,800 killed in action, 1,102,800 died of wounds in field hospitals [so 6.3 million combat deaths – AP], 555,500 non combat deaths, POW deaths and missing were 4,559,000. Deductions were 939,700 who “were encircled or missing in action in occupied areas who were reconscripted once areas liberated” and 1,836,000 POWs returned from captivity

    Soviet incompetence (despite time to prepare) resulted in mass seizure of territory that enabled the atrocities.

    It took the Germans 46 days to conquer the northern half of France, forcing a surrender. In the same period of time against the Soviets, the Germans had taken the Baltics and Belarus, reached the outskirts of Leningrad and Kiev, and took Smolensk, thereby capturing much more territory.

  146. Bardon Kaldian says

    Mostly agreed. Kebab, any package, still remains – a Kebab.

  147. Commentator Mike says

    Generally agree but

    Notice how all the terror attacks are done by third-generation immigrants.

    there’s been some by those fresh off the boats.

    But yeah the alternative for Muslims wanting to get away from Islam is to get pozzed – nothing to get excited about.

  148. Bardon Kaldian says

    The problem with Hitler, and I mean his war in the east, was that it was from the beginning – wrong. He should have changed his policy & masked his aggression as liberation of all those peoples from Communism & then, later, after he had won their hearts, expand Germany’s influence the way US had been doing from the WW2 on.

  149. Bardon Kaldian says

    I am talking about them if not grouped. When they’re on the heap, they’re bad news, anywhere.

  150. Autists Anonymous Rehab Camp Fugitive says

    Considering the other candidate was rabidly anti-Russian, it’s not weird that Russians and Russian authorities would be sympathetic or enthusiastic about the alternative. This doesn’t prove hacking.

  151. Johann Ricke says

    As far as the Taliban is concerned, they would and do kill American troops for free

    That point isn’t that the Taliban wouldn’t kill Americans otherwise – it’s that the Chinese are funding anti-American insurgents. Maybe we should fund the Chinese opposition with real money. Uighurs and Tibetans could certainly benefit from weapons training and hardware. Neither group lacks in raw courage, as the Kunming and Tiananmen attacks and numerous Tibetan insurrections have shown. What they need is skills and equipment. The problem is that you can’t beat a massive military machine with knives and fists. Re the Russians – I understand Ukraine could do with better hardware, and Dagestanis and Chechens aren’t completely resigned to their role as dhimmis in an Orthodox world.

  152. Supply and Demand says

    You are arguing with facts and I am not disagreeing with them.

    You know how Gildas and Bede theorized that the first people to settle on the British isles were Trojan nobility? It’s like that.

  153. Thanks for admitting that you oppose Trump because you want the USA to be broken.

    Those of us who live here and have families here do not share your wishes.

    And if you are (rightfully) upset about “Empire” keep in mind that Trump has been the least warmongering president since Carter.

  154. Bashibuzuk says

    What would you gain of it? And what are the eventual long term consequences? There’s a difficult cost-benefit assessment to be made. See my comment #4 above about the origins of the Taliban. Have Western societies ever gained anything by funding and covertly encouraging extremists ?

    Fighting fire with fire only seems wise as long as your own house is not burning. The West is already burning and it is neither the Chinese nor Russians who have supplied the kindling and started the blaze

    Perhaps it is long past time to learn from previous mistakes instead of just doing more of the same?

    Madness is often defined as doing the same insane things over and over again…

  155. Bashibuzuk says

    Kebab, any package, still remains – a Kebab.

    It’s all Halal, even when it’s Kosher.

  156. You are welcome.

    It is not your USA anymore, it is someone elses, it is becoming a zombie of its former self, and it will become more and more hostile to your kind.

    Trump is trying to get out of the “dumb wars” only because he wants to concentrate on the big fish – China and Russia – with the aim of starting a New Cold War, stopping multipolarity, and securing the US Empire reign over the world.

    He is a retard and traitor to the right as he props up the Empire that will eat him later. The only way to save the US right was to wind down the Empire and cooperate with the rest of the world. In a multipolar world, there is a space for different systems and cultures, including a revived US, or Europe. In the Liberal World Order (LWO), there is not.

  157. Commentator Mike says

    That would be like China (and Russia) funding violent insurgents within the US which they are not doing. You seem to think Afghanistan belongs to the US … so go on and accept them as a state of the USA and then you could argue thus. You probably think the entire world belongs to US to do as it likes. That attitude will be your undoing, and rightly so.

    The Taliban are freedom fighters fighting to free their own country from foreign occupation and not “insurgents” – despicable ones maybe but still fighting for freedom of their own country and are remnants of a government violently removed by US on false pretense (since 911 was an inside job).

  158. Bardon Kaldian says

    As I use to say:

    Judaism – proto-Kebab

    Christianity- Euro-Kebab

    Islam- Kebab on steroids

  159. It is not your USA anymore, it is someone elses, it is becoming a zombie of its former self

    It’s the place where my family and I live and work, go to church, and will probably retire. You admit that a vote for Trump was a vote to not “break” America. Since I do not hate myself or my family I chose to vote for the guy less likely to break the place where we live. It is sad that not all people living here feel that way.

    Trump is trying to get out of the “dumb wars” only because he wants to concentrate on the big fish – China and Russia – with the aim of starting a New Cold War

    Trump avoided possible war with Russia in Syria. Peaceful containment of the Chinese rival is not war.

    In a multipolar world, there is a space for different systems and cultures, including a revived US, or Europe. In the Liberal World Order (LWO), there is not

    Trump was friendlier to the independent Polish and Hungarian governments than the Biden administration will be. I wonder if your choice will try to pressure them to be more “tolerant.”

  160. I met some “reformed” Taliban fighters on a hiking trip in Ngari prefecture…We bonded through an intermediary over our hatred of America

    It takes a special kind of person to bond with people who have probably killed some of his countrymen, over a shared hatred of his own country.

  161. (((They))) Live says

    We get terror attacks in cites across Europe, I expect to see ISIS (under a new name) gaining ground in Syria once dementia Joe starts his term, and we will also see attacks in France, Germany ect

  162. platypus119 says

    Well, yes there’s that. Maybe a lack of integrity is the reason China has been able to expropriate so much technology: and hence wealth, from the west over the past 45 years. But it’s more complex than just venal western elites. I think having an ancient and iconic culture has given China an enormous advantage.

  163. Thanks for adding some sane perspective here.

    I’d add that Russia’s only an existential threat if the nutjob neos – conservative and liberal – in America persist in pushing for a Third World War with the only country on earth capable of doing America terminal damage.

    Generations raised on Forces of Light vs. Forces of Darkness WWII and Cold War propaganda, most recently and childishly embodied in the odious Star Wars, Harry Potter & Marvel franchises, can’t seem to understand that countries are simply competing or outright fighting for their own interests rather than “to take over the world b/c they hate muh freedumbs.”

    And they’re totally devoid of self-awareness regarding what “our side” is up to in six gorillion other countries.

  164. Also, Chinese economy is if anything NEPist (many vigorous small companies, but “commanding heights” remain dominated by SOEs), not Stalinist – if a comparison with the USSR has to be drawn. But Xi-jinping has many strange ideas.

  165. To the contrary, Western diplomats need to be spoken to in their own language.

    The diplomatic corps of countries like Russia and China should consist exclusively of trolls, instathots, and nudist nationalist bodybuilders.

  166. AnonFromTN says

    Trump has been the least warmongering president since Carter.

    Choosing between syphilis and AIDS most intelligent people would choose syphilis. Does it mean that syphilis is good?

  167. instathots

    No, no, no! They should be tastefully dressed, in skirt uniforms, so they can still turn heads, but so they will create nationalist memes, while they do so.

    Meanwhile, countries should employ teams of comedic writers to create the biggest trolls – in medieval Ireland, miracles were attributed to the satire of poets.

  168. In my opinion, hostility to China was going to be ramped up with or without Trump. What differs between Trump and the more mainstream liberals(both parties) is the methods employed.

    I doubt the people running Trump’s trade policies have a coherent strategy, any more than the people running the Iraq War have a coherent strategy. At most, Trump’s strategy has been to try to punish China and aid U.S. companies. He has mostly failed in those efforts(personally I don’t think U.S. companies should be aided, but that’s another discussion). The consequences of his failures are as you describe. The liberals replacing him will try to build more gay international alliances to isolate China. These efforts will probably fail too, but I can see more deliberate efforts to move industry to places like India.

    But mostly it’s not that. For example, much of the production which has moved to Vietnam is Chinese companies themselves choosing to move production. At most, the so-called trade war has sped the process up. Since Chinese companies will get cheaper labor in Vietnam than China, they are not hurting from this. A lot of decisions on locations of manufacturing facilities have little to do with what the U.S. government does. A more competent government could make more of an impact, but there is no chance of that in the United States.

  169. And that place will no longer be your place, rather it will become a zombie of its former self. So keep proping up the beast that will eat you later, not my problem. Some people are slow learners. We may talk again after 20 years and i will have a good laugh.

    Trump can’t start a war with China or Russia, because there are nukes, the intention is to start a Cold War with China, Russia and Iran, to save US rule over the world. So he is a retard too, proping up a beast that will eat him later.

    As for Poland and Hungary, one needs to think way deeper than that. What’s the point of a President that is trying to save something (US) that is not salvageable anymore? There is no point. He only empowers a beast to become more dangerous (for Poland and Hungary) later.

    If Trump props up the US, it will only empower the inevitable liberal juggernaut later. Because, according to my estimates, the liberal taker over of the US is inevitable. So its better to weaken it before its too late, instead of trying to prop it up.

    Some people have thick heads. They get things, but not before it becomes too late. So be it. We may talk again after 20 years about it.

  170. US rightoids are so cute in their stupidity. Its not a surprise they are getting owned. Well, good riddance, retard. You won’t see power anymore. You had a chance and you blew it.

  171. Bashibuzuk says

    It was all global Kabuki theater. The neoliberal left and the neoconservative right hands are attached to a global corporate capitalist body. Starting in 2008, this body performed a little dance (a kind of rhythmic twitch and twist actually). The spectators worldwide (that is us) either applauded or booed, the noise of our reactions reverberated through the internet and got amplified, controlled and redirected through the MSM.

    The most entertaining closing part of the show was the left and right global corporate hands moving sock puppets of an orange haired ex- business (con)man and a combination of some other personages, including a balding aging Eastern European autocrat of KGB background. These sock puppets were a real triumph of entertainment and distraction. The captivated audience numbered in the hundreds of millions worldwide. Now, the show is coming to a close.

    But this corporate capitalist body also has a decentralized head with a brain made of think tanks and filled with the experts (as human-like neurons). During the spasmodic Kabuki performance, all the while the brain kept processing information and making plans. And a significant thing is that a part of the plan is not “Made in America “. Why would it be anyway? Americans are good at blowing things up, not so much at making long term plans.

    The plan is not pro-American or anti-Chinese. The plan is not liberal or conservative. The plan is global and is totalitarian in its core as it is in its earliest manifestation related to the coronavirus pandemics. The plan is for the global corporate capitalist golem to become a global corporate neofeodalist golem. And for us to graduate from being its clients to becoming its serfs.

    But some people are slow learners.

    Some people have thick heads. They get things, but not before it becomes too late. So be it.


  172. You can always try a preventive war. I do not think China or even Russia has any reliable defence for B-2s.

  173. Shortsword says
  174. The Spirit of Enoch Powell says
  175. Daniel Chieh says

    A more competent government could make more of an impact, but there is no chance of that in the United States.

    Right. The moment that I realized that there was zero effort by Trump(or anyone else) to invest in the cognitive and infrastructural capital while promoting “steel manufacture,” I realized that this was either a cheap political point or someone who deeply lacked knowledge of how industry works. Its fine to act in a protectionist way; but you also need to build up the knowledge and skills locally, but the showmanship style of American politics doesn’t really seem to allow that.

    Since its all just flashy games and pointmakin with zero to no serious thought put into it, its hard not to just dismiss the entire shebang of Make America Strong(in its various iterations) as basically a joke.

  176. The plan is definitely liberal, you have no idea why, and i have. Let’s say that if you would want to decrease the global population you would need liberalism. But that isn’t the only reason, and not even the main one.

    Why liberalism is important, and will become the greatest dividing line of the 21st century, i will let you think about it.

  177. Bashibuzuk says

    I think we don’t have the same definition of liberalism.

  178. Bashibuzuk says

    Perhaps it was all just a distraction to misdirect the attention of the masses.

  179. AltanBakshi says

    Did you know that the Barmakid vizier family, which has greatly benefited the development of the Abbasid Caliphate, was of Afghani Buddhist origin?

    Your imaginary point is a non-point, yes most high officials and scholars of Abbasid Caliphate were of Syrian, Christian, Persian etc origin, but what it matters? They were converts to Islam, there is no proof that they somehow stayed sympathetic or supported their old religion or culture, especially if they were Sunni, some Shias were in reality fake converts, who tried to continue their old traditions, which led to endless fighting with the Sunni Orthodox authorities, like with the Crypto Zoroastrians of Mazandaran, Daylam and Tabaristan. Your point about the vizir is utter garbage.

  180. AltanBakshi says

    Chinese conquest/reconquest of Qinghai and Tibet from the Bodpa dynasts.

    Theres been only one Chinese conquest of Tibet, and that was in the 1950s. Maybe if you count Zhao Erfengs campaign in 1910 as a conquest, you will get another Chinese conquest of Tibet, still Zhao was servant of Manchu emperors, but at that date Qing was already utterly sinified, and had almost lost its Manchu character.

    Bodba? The countrys name has been traditionally Bhod or Bod, the ancient emperors of Tibet were from Yarlung dynasty.

  181. AltanBakshi says

    Do you even know what a Mandala is? In a Vedic or Buddhist sense? Also the name of Baghdad comes from Persian, theres no proof of Sanskrit connection.

    It is very well known to me that the Abbasids translated many Indian texts in their House of Wisdom in Baghdad, mostly medical texts, but yes some Buddhist and Hindu tales, still so what? There were even translations of Indian Yogi literature and some erotic books in the late middle ages, it just proves that Muslim elites have been hypocritical through ages.

    There were countless saints and kings of Europe who had Pagan origins, Anglo-Saxon England was full of them, so what? Ghazan Khan of Ilkhanate was a Buddhist in his youth, still after converting to Islam he expelled the Buddhists of Persia. Also I would not be so sure that Nava Vihara was still working normally in the 10th century. Yijing and Hyecho used sea route for travelling to India, because the traditional land route had become dangerous, thanks to the Islam. Hyecho, a Korean monk and pilgrim tried to travel through the Afghanistan in the early 8th century, but couldnt because of the Arabs. He describes Arabs oppressing local Buddhists, and this was during the comparatively enlightened rule of early Caliphate! At least in comparison to such religious fanatics and maniacs like Ghaznavids.

    The Dharma survived and endured in Afghanistan all the way to the 15th century, in the remote mountainous areas, but it was not because of the Muslim benevolence, but because those Buddhists were fierce and tribal.

    Buddhaguptanatha claims that there were still, even in the 16th century, some Buddhists who had become very shamanistic, in the highlands of Afghanistan.

    Your point is a non-point, if there would be a case that Muslims employed a Buddhist official, yes that would be a somekind of point.

  182. AltanBakshi says

    AP the Greater German Reich had a population of over 80 million, it had trustworthy allies, with a higher level of development than the USSR, like Italy with a population of 50 million, with a small colonial empire, strong navy, a strong economy ,then there were Romania, Hungary and Finland, they had over 30 million people together. Also I didnt know that you had a such case of historical illiteracy, France of the 30s was one of the world powers, yes the population of Metropolitan France was not very large, but they had one of the strongest armies and navies in the whole world, and huge colonial empire. Then the Germans had got in the 1938 the Czechia, which was one of the most industrialised regions in the world, Czechia and Italy had a world level machine building, tank building and airplane building industries. French GDP was easily much larger than the USSRs. Its true that Romania and Bulgaria were worthless as allies, but the rest was quite valuable for the German war effort. I wouldnt be surprised if Germany had majority of worlds industrial production at her side in the 1941. Benelux countries too were highly developed and industrialised, and didnt resist German rule at all.

  183. AltanBakshi says

    Sorry if I was too aggressive, but I just cant make my mind, I constantly vacillate in my opinion in regards of Early Islam. Once I tried to believe that there was something good in it, maybe some hidden aspect of valour and honor, but more I learn, more pessimist I became in regards of Islam. Constant infighting in regards of absurd religious questions of who is true Imam or what is the role of Ahl al-Bayt in the ruling of the Caliphate, the aggressive Arabisation of those who were not Christians or Jews, the cultural genocide committed against the Zoroastrians and Buddhists, and so on, although Im against of those who see Islam purely as an evil force, it seems to me that you try, like I tried once, to see Islam in better light than it was.

    And I will certainly not waste my time arguing about the Buddhadharma with you.

    Waste your time? Who is so high and mighty now? So now its wasting of time? What you are now capable of deep concentration and discussing the finer points of Dharma with Maitreya and Manjushri in Tushita? Dont make me laugh…. Ha ha haa!

    You and Bardon Kaldian are wrongfully putting all the fruits in the one basket, mistaking lemons to oranges! No Christianity does not belong to same group or family. There is true nobility and vindication in Christianity, a true transcendent attribute in in.

    In Judaism there is the chosen people, who are most special to the Lord, their holy scriptures and their traditions, must survive through all times, that is the prerogative, in other words they are the NatSoc of religions, in Islam on the other hand there is a culture above others, their speech and ways are superior in comparison to others, but all people can and must become like them, like the Arabs of Muhammad, its an imperative, they believe that they are the final form of society/religion, therefore they resemble religious form of Communism.

    But Christianity is a grand synthesis of Hellenic philosophy, and mystery cults of the East, it is not attached to any particular people, tongue or culture, it is beyond this world, and it strives for salvation of everyone.

    Also, at least legit Christians didnt have such disconnection with the past as Early Muslims.

  184. Bashibuzuk says

    I just cant make my mind, I constantly vacillate in my opinion in regards of Early Islam

    Why do you care at all?

    What you are now capable of deep concentration and discussing the finer points of Dharma with Maitreya and Manjushri in Tushita?

    Of course not. I just don’t think it is useful to discuss Buddhadharma in detail on Unz Review.

  185. AltanBakshi says

    Why do you care at all?

    To decide where Islam as whole belongs in my religious framework/weltanschauung.

    Its something that has eschatological significance for me, the world will never end, but aeons do…

  186. Xi-jinping says

    Masterful coping on ur end…

    brb ‘muh capitalism is gunna invent new technology to improve bangladesh’s or russia’s living standards’ just LOL

  187. Xi-jinping says

    On the contrary, Russian communists didn’t take censorship far enough. Furthermore, the biggest thing that the Russian communists missed out on was the development of the OGAS system that would have put the central planning appartus under the jurisdiction of a central core computer with 20,000 terminals all over the USSR that would have made central planning much easier.

    As for the need for censorship – look at russia now – much of the youth has become infected with liberalism and is strongly anti-Putin on ideological grounds. Gays and LGBT have spread significantly throughout moscow and Russian girls have been taught to whore around. This is all a result of the influence of Youtube, and social media like Instagram and facebook.

  188. Xi-jinping says


    Says the guy who lives in the US and has basically swallowed US propaganda on the matter. LOL

    The 90s was the end point of Russian communism: a rusted, decrepit husk of its former self. A power whose destiny would have been to rule the world reduced to, at best, China’s lackey. After a period of playing second place to the Americans for a few decades. After botching a war against a much-smaller opponent, winning while in the process losing 27 million people.

    Yeah the 90’s was a travesty after almost a decade of reforms that dismantled the central planning appartus and destroyed the economy. No shit it looked decrepit.

    Getting to play second place to the Americans (who didn’t fight 3 wars on their own territory in the span of 50 years) in about 30 years after founding is an achievement. Given that the US had 200 years to develop, stole a shit ton of technology and had the help of half of Europe while it was developing. If that’s not a testament to the effectiveness of the communists, i dunno what is.

    Mao used Stalin’s central planning, holding China back and in poverty for decades and killing a few tens of millions of people.

    LOL. What are you talking about?

    I think you’re confusing Mao’s China for the RoC (republic of china) when it was ruled by the capitalist KMT LOL. During the KMT there was no development, only theft by corrupt government officials, mass starvation. Mao’s China raised the literacy rate from something like 20% to almost 80% in a few years. Mao defeated American armies in China with a few peasants which was also impressive. He laid the foundation for numerous industrial policies that then where used by Deng Xiaoping to create the monster today.

    Next, you clearly don’t know what you are talking about if you think that Stalin’s Central Planning was used only by Mao. If it was used only by Mao, why do State Owned Corporations (Enterprises) (like in the USSR) still exist? And why does the CCP still develop Five Year Plans (again like in the Soviet Union) with the most recent one released a few months ago?,Plan%20(2021%E2%80%9325).&text=They%20will%20define%20China%27s%20economic,the%20next%2010%E2%80%9315%20years.


  189. Xi-jinping says


    It is actually closer to the Stalinist model than NEP.

    China still has a central planning apparatus that works similar to the Stalinist one (complete with SOE) but has diluted that with smaller privately owned enterprises. Some of the largest drivers of Chinese industry are SOE’s (currently – though that may change). Further examples of Stalinist economics in china is the fact that they continue to make “Five Year Plans” (with the most recent one being released a few months ago) or dedicate the entire economy to the production of semi-conductors (like they did with the Bomb or Stalin did with the war effort).

    So no, you’re the one with strange ideas.

    In fact the very concept of ‘Chinese self-sufficiency’ is very stalinist in its nature.

  190. AltanBakshi says

    “Güchülüg a former Christian
    who later convinced by his Qara Khitan wife to adopt Buddhism, imposed
    peculiar anti-Islamic policy, subjects were given the rather curious choice,
    of either adopting Christianity or Buddhism, or donning Khitan clothes, and any
    public manifestation of the lslamic creed was prohibited.”

    -The Empire of the Qara Khitai in the Eurasian history, Cambridge University Press

    Güchülüg was the last ruler of Khara-Khitai Khanate or as they called themselves Western Liao, which ruled vast areas in Central Asia before the Mongols. They were the last major non-Islamic power in the Central Asia, before the coming of (Pagan)Mongols. Interesting tidbit I think, that Buddhists of the late 12th century Central Asian polity didnt saw Christians as threat, and even forced Muslims to convert in Christianity.

    Before any Muslim apologist makes a scene, such repression on behalf of Buddhists was quite rare historically and in the case of Qara Khitais it was a last desperate attempt to stop the tide of Islam. In history theres no country that has been made Buddhist through violence.

  191. Xi-jinping says


    What are you talking about? About 80% of German forces where on the Eastern Front.

    The Germans did not even use half of that for France. The fact that the Soviets resisted the combined might of multiple countries (Germany, Italy and Romania) as well as the Industrial might of half of Europe supplying the Germans was impressive.

    You should think highly of Nazi Germany

    Found the Wehraboo. You’ve bought whole sale into post WW2 pro-German propaganda. Next thing you’ll say “The Soviets bum rushed the Germans and then the next waves picked up their weapons to continue the assualt” LOL. Nevermind that the USSR outproduced Europe in everything from Tanks, to AA guns to small arms.

    Nazi Germany was almost entirely incompetent from the beginning to the end of the war. The USSR was caught in the midst of a mass reorganization of troops

  192. Bashibuzuk says

    Did it change anything? Are there more Christian and/or Buddhist Turks in Central Asia today due to this intervention by the Quara Khitai Khan? BTW are there any Qara Khitai left in Central Asia?

  193. I wouldnt be surprised if Germany had majority of worlds industrial production at her side in the 1941.

    German industrial power was comparable to British and much lower than American. Its European possessions did not add much.

  194. AltanBakshi says

    Germany had a greater level of industrialization and industrial production than UK before the WWI, its true that it lost many key industries in Upper Silesia to Poland, but Czechia, which Germany got in 1938, had inherited almost all industries and firms of Austro-Hungary.

    Its a meme that Italy was as weak as some people think, they were pioneers in aviation and engine building, and had the strongest navy in the Mediterranean. Same with the Benelux countries, Belgium was one of the biggest producers of steel and iron in the world.

    Also the difference between economical and industrial power was much larger between Japan and USA, than between USSR and Germany, still AP would not revisionistly claim that America was utter failure in using its resources against Japan, the difference was astronomical, something like ten times in production of war materials and ships.

    Really people here think too much from the view of the present, Italy or France of the 30s were like Japan+South Korea of nowadays in their economic and political might. The world was very much Eurocentric, though America had risen in the early 20th century.

    Its European possessions did not add much.

    Germany could grow up its armaments production almost to the end of the war, by moving it to ouside of the Reich and bombings of the western allies, Northern Italy and Czechia were majors centers for such movements. I know that Americas industrial production was huge, but Italy, France, Benelux and Czechia had easily together as much industry as the Germany had, or at least almost as much.

  195. showmethereal says

    “Now Russia has to whore it’s scientists and researchers out to China who will likely discard them after they have gotten what is needed.”

    As opposed to what??

    “alienating Russia and not treating it as a competent nation that can be considered am equal amongst the European community.”

    I see people make this statement a lot… But it seems pretty clear to me that Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church have made it clear that Europe’s new ideologies are dangerous. But in reality – when was there ever a funny unified Europe??? I search history – but other than the Romans – when was there ever a European community that wasn’t fighting??? And even then – Russia wasn’t a part of that community. In honesty I’m surprised the EU has lasted so long and is expanding. NATO only keeps expanding because for whatever reason the rest of Europe sees Russia as a danger. Yeltsin and Gorbachev seemed to want to be a part of Europe – but aren’t those the same people who helped Russia to fall apart after the Soviet Union disintegrated??

  196. showmethereal says

    You can look it up… Chinese naval weapons have longer ranges(and are more maneuverable) than American and Western European counterparts.

  197. showmethereal says

    I think you should brush up on your history… The OSS and CIA were training and arming insurgents in Tibet and Xinjiang before anyone on this thread was born. The whole reason the Dalai Lama lives in India is because the US backed insurgency in Tibet failed. They even brought Tibetans to the US to train some – and the rest they trained in India (which is why China doesn’t trust India to this day). Even in modern times – why do you think the US let Uighurs go that they caught in Afghanistan and were holding in Guantanamo. They didn’t give them baking lessons. Point is the US has been failing for decades trying to destroy the PRC.